Tag Archives: writing

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Gerard

Here’s another repeat addict: Gerard is a Canadian artist and arts educator whose notebooks were featured here a few years ago. Looks like his collection of idea books and studio journals has kept on growing! Some Whitelines journals are now added to the mix too. Check out Gerard’s site: MIX AND SHIFT: OVER 60.

Filofancy’s Flex

The blogger at Filofancy notes that the Flex series by Filofax doesn’t get much blogging coverage. I can’t say I’ve found them inspiring at all when I see them in stores– wrong sizes, blah materials… it just makes me sad to see them in comparison to the wonderful things Filofax was making 15 or 20 … Continue reading Filofancy’s Flex

Notebook Addict of the Week: Jemma

This week’s addict emailed me to share her collection– or at least part of it: I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and my favourite part of it is the Addict of the Week. I always wonder if my collection is actually a bit absurd compared to some of the others, but … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jemma

Notebook Addict of the Week: Journal CEO

This is really cool: the first-ever video submission for Notebook Addict of the Week! This comes from The Journal CEO, who says “I have Moleskines, Paperblanks, Peter Pauper Press, Barnes and Noble leather journals, Chronicle Books, Sanrio, Jacket Journals, and some random brands. I’ve been journaling regularly almost 7 years now.” I lost count of … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Journal CEO

Notebook Addict of the Week: MissElderberry

This week’s addict blogs at These Beautiful Pens, where she recently posted About journalling. She mailed me a link to her post, commenting “I’ve been keeping  a  diary  for almost 20 years now… (the journals pictured are]  just  the  filled  ones,  still need some preparation for the challenge  of making photos of the new and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: MissElderberry

Notebook Addict of the Week: Vanessa

This week’s addict blogs at Mixed Martial Arts & Crafts, where she posted this photo of all the notebooks she is currently using for various purposes, including an idea capture journal, writing journal, and a page-a-day diary/logbook. She says she also has “a ton more that are all used and a few that are empty … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Vanessa

Notebook Addict of the Week: Wandeka

This week’s addict was blogging about a list of things she wanted to do before her 31st birthday. Among them: #14. Join a STATIONERY ADDICTS support group. Here’s her story about why: I have come to terms with the fact I have not yet outgrown the childhood nickname “Paper freak” – dubbed so by my … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Wandeka

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres

This week’s addict was another one found via the wonderful Sharing Our Notebooks site. I just couldn’t resist this photo! Going through my notebooks, I find a driving force in my life is asking questions. It’s a strategy I’ve returned to across time and genre. Check out these notebooks…see the sticky tabs? They mark the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ruth Ayres

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ellen Gregory

This week’s addict is an Australian writer of fantasy fiction, who posted the following on her blog:   Like many writers, I suspect, I have a notebook addiction. (The kind you write in with a pen.) These days there are so many gorgeous ones available — even in common, mass-market, office supply stores. And it’s the … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ellen Gregory

“They remind me of my heart’s desire…”

From a lovely essay about using notebooks, by Elaine Fletcher Chapman: Most writers I know work from notebooks. I carry mine with me, as Jason Shinder was known to advise, along with a folder of poems I am currently revising. Even on my shorter commutes, I carry the pair. They remind me of my heart’s … Continue reading “They remind me of my heart’s desire…”