Tag Archives: writing

“The Pressures of a Really Good Notebook”

I quite sympathize with this person– it’s nice to get notebooks as gifts, but on the other hand they are very personal and what do you do if someone gives you one and you don’t know what to do with it? “When your family knows you’re a writer you get notebooks for presents, especially when … Continue reading “The Pressures of a Really Good Notebook”

Notebook Addict of the Week: Carley

This week’s addict emailed me a wonderful essay on why she loves notebooks, and how writing in them inspires her creativity. Here’s some photos of some of her notebooks: “I guess you could say that I’m a notebook addict. My current favourite are Paperblanks which I mainly use as Writing Notebooks and Journals. I’ve always … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Carley

My Inventory of Spare Notebooks

As you might imagine, I have a lot of notebooks stashed in various places. I have boxes of them under beds and in cabinets and in drawers. They are at home and at the office. They are pretty much everywhere! Lots of them are old ones that I have used. Lots of them are new … Continue reading My Inventory of Spare Notebooks

Notebook Addict of the Week: John

This week’s addict is a writer who has challenged himself to write a million words this year, including typed on the computer and handwritten in notebooks. I think John is doing pretty well at reaching his goal, based on his website and these photos of his notebook collection: I’ve always written, since I was very … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: John

Notebook Addict of the Week: A Four Year Old!

Jes from Australia writes to say that her 4 year old son is a budding notebook addict! “About 18 months ago he asked for a notebook from my own (extensive collection, who said addiction doesn’t run in families? ). Since then he has filled a few. I love watching him create and record himself in … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Four Year Old!

Notebook Addict of the Week: Kevin

This week’s addict is a writer who does much of his work in notebooks. He recently finished a novel consisting of “116,386 words, 472 pages (almost a ream of paper), and numerous books of hand written script.”   “I always write the first draft by hand, I find it more intimate than typing directly onto … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kevin

A Notebook is “A Junkyard of the Mind”

A great article by novelist Lawrence Norfolk: “A writer’s notebook is a junkyard; a junkyard of the mind. In this repository of failed attempts, different inks speak of widely-spaced times and places, the diverse scrawls of varying levels of calligraphic awkwardness, lack of firm writing-surfaces, different modes of transportation. “ Here’s a photo of one … Continue reading A Notebook is “A Junkyard of the Mind”

Notebook Addict of the Week: Lee Ann Spillane

This week’s addict is another one found via the excellent Sharing Our Notebooks blog. Lee Ann Spillane is a teacher who has been keeping notebooks since she was very young. She says: “I love to learn and think and draw and write. As I child I wanted to remember things. I used to sit on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Lee Ann Spillane