Or do you write because you like notebooks? “Girl with A Notebook” ponders the question “How has writing affected your life?” One of the seemingly obvious answers would be that I spend a lot more time alone since I’ve started writing, preferring the company of my keyboard to the company of my classmates… or did … Continue reading Do You Like Notebooks Because You Write?→
A thought-provoking quote from Mark Twain: It is a troublesome thing for a lazy man to take notes, so I used to try in my young days to pack my impressions in my head. But that can’t be done satisfactorily, so I went from that to another stage– that of making notes in a note-book. … Continue reading Mark Twain’s Notebooks→
Maybe someday I’ll be able to interview some celebrities about how they use a notebook! I caught this mention of notebooks in an article about the singer Ne-Yo: How do you relax? Writing, not necessarily writing a song, just writing in general. I have little notebooks that I carry around with me; some of them … Continue reading Ne-Yo’s Notebooks→
At From the Living Room, some musings on “My Notebook“: It used to be that my notebook was the most important thing in my handbag. It used to be that I would get through a notebook in a matter of months. I have a box full of used notebooks, each with the date they were … Continue reading Changes in How We Use Notebooks→
Found at Archives Tragic: …she describes her life-long diary and note-keeping habits, and the shelves of “battered old notebooks stuffed with inconsequential factoids†that have accumulated as a result. She never opens the notebooks once they are finished, but can’t bring herself to destroy them either. From a review of The Feel of Steel, by … Continue reading “Old Notebooks Stuffed With Inconsequential Factoids”→
Andrew Motion, the poet laureate of Britain, was interviewed recently and I noticed this remark: My notebooks are Ordning & Reda from Selfridges — blank pages for poetry, lined for prose. I’d never heard of Ordning & Reda so I had to investigate, of course! Here’s their website: www.ordning-reda.com. Now is it just me or … Continue reading Andrew Motion’s Notebooks→
The New York Times recently published a review of an exhibition called “Women of Letters,” at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. The article focused on Irene Nemirovsky, author of the bestselling Suite Française. Here are two photos featuring the notebook she used to write a draft of the novel before her tragic death in Auschwitz. … Continue reading Irene Nemirovsky’s Notebook→
I’m a writer by trade; so I tend to horde notebooks. And yet tonight to my chagrin I found that I didn’t have a single empty one to use for class in the morning. [link] I found this funny– I think I can safely say I have never found myself in this situation! Running out … Continue reading A Rare Problem→
At Megaquotes, there’s quite a list of quotes about writing. The ones below made me think about my own notebooks: So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it. ~Harold Acton, Memoirs of an Aesthete, 1948 (All those nice fresh … Continue reading Quotable Quotes→
Cat Rambo’s thoughts On Writing Process, a guest post at Jeff Vandermeer’s Ecstatic Days. I write in large sketch pads, because I like the space to draw arrows and circles and make marginal notes. I used to write in Moleskin [sic] notebooks, but nowadays they just don’t seem large enough for novel-sized thinking. I save … Continue reading What Kind of Notebook Is Best for Creative Writing?→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…