Tag Archives: writing

“The Importance of Having a Crap Notebook”

Here’s an interesting take on notebooks that I have to quote at length: I don’t like fancy journals. Hardbound is great for books, but when it comes to things I write in, spiral bound please. No fancy covers – though hard covers can be nice when you write on the road a lot. No fifty-dollar, … Continue reading “The Importance of Having a Crap Notebook”

Notebook Addict of the Week: AntSaint

Do you type up things you write in your notebooks? This week’s addict does, or at least tries to! But he hasn’t gotten through the entire backlog of this collection: A notebook first found its way into my pocket in 1995. I was a college freshman, a gumshoe at the college newspaper. One night at … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: AntSaint

Moleskine Monday: Tao Lin Sells His

An amusing tidbit from a Salon post about Tao Lin, an up and coming writer described as “the next big thing in urban hipster lit.” Among his unusual marketing stunts are things like selling shares in the future profits from his novels, and putting odds and ends like drawings, notes and unpublished story drafts up … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Tao Lin Sells His

Notebook Addict of the Month: Paul

This week’s addict had to be upgraded to Addict of the Month. Paul has been a faithful reader and correspondent for quite a while now, sharing not only photos of his own notebooks, but links to historical notebooks and other interesting trivia. Did you know, for instance, that the last entry in Samuel Pepys’ diary … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Month: Paul

Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Marcella

This week’s addict blogs at Wavy Lines and shares this photo of a stack of journals: I’ve kept diaries or journals ever since I learned to print words. Locked diaries were a favorite until my pre-teen years when I switched to the more mature journals. I have several fancy leather and hardcover journals (see pictures) that … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Marcella

Thoughts About Notebooks at Roaming By Design

Saxon Henry shares some thoughts about notebooks and writing, including these nice images: My first writer’s notebook was a steno pad, and as you’ll see if you read today’s post on The Road to Promise, I “graduated” to a loose-leaf binder in 1986. It was made by Boorum & Pease, and I filled seven of … Continue reading Thoughts About Notebooks at Roaming By Design

Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: She Writes

“She Writes” is an online community for women writers, with over 9,000 active members from all fifty states and more than thirty countries. As you can imagine, these ladies love their notebooks! Deborah Siegel asked “What’s in Your Notebook” and got these amongst her responses: Response by Tania Prputniewicz Notebooks I Have Known by Kelly … Continue reading Notebook Addict(s) of the Week: She Writes

Feeling Guilty About Notebooks

I loved this post I stumbled across, in which the writer ponders the different notebooks she’s been using for the “morning pages” exercise recommended in The Artist’s Way: This morning, as I began writing I started thinking about my good old Black ‘n Red. I thought, maybe I should go back and start writing in … Continue reading Feeling Guilty About Notebooks

David Mitchell’s Notebook

I wasn’t familiar with David Mitchell’s books, but there was an interesting article about him in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: Since the appearance of his debut novel, “Ghostwritten,” in 1999 — a fifth, “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet,” is being published this week — Mitchell’s writing has been compared with … Continue reading David Mitchell’s Notebook