Moleskine Monday: “Weekly Moleskine”
Weekly Moleskine features Moleskine art from various contributors each week. They are open to submissions. I rather liked this one below, by Joe Veen.
Weekly Moleskine features Moleskine art from various contributors each week. They are open to submissions. I rather liked this one below, by Joe Veen.
I forget how I came across this week’s addict, but I loved this post about all of her sketchbooks, with photos and comments about her art works and methods: Above are some photographs of the notebooks/sketchbooks/journals I have around the Apt. The open book in Photo #1 is the oldest book I still have, it … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kat Walk Designs
I recently changed my “What I’m Using Now” photo after several months of its being out of date. I’ve gone through at least 2 or 3 daily notebooks since I last updated that image, a couple of Moleskines and a Piccadilly. I’ve been alternating between plain pages and squared– I keep coming back to squared … Continue reading What I’m Using Now
I liked this cover of the April 18th edition of the New Yorker, a lovely scene with a little sketchbook:
I’d never heard of Austin Kleon until just recently, when I came across a presentation he did called “How to Steal Like an Artist.” It’s an insightful and inspiring collection of ideas, which I recommend to anyone who has a creative bone in their body, or wishes they did. In otherwords, anyone and everyone. And … Continue reading Austin Kleon’s Notebook
A new exhibit just opened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, “Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective.” Serra is best known for massive sculptures made of steel, but drawing is still a key part of his work. Some of the works in the exhibit are large drawings on paper or cloth, but the … Continue reading Richard Serra’s Sketchbooks
This week’s addict admits he is a notebook junkie: I may have a problem. My obsession with notebooks started early. My first love was a perforated Mead notebook (non-spiral). I was a budding cartoonist during elementary and middle school and the fact that I could cleanly remove my creations was a big deal. Â Not … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Brett
R. Crumb is someone whose sketchbooks I’d definitely love to see. And it wouldn’t take that big a lottery win to own one: An archive of material pertaining to the famous counterculture cartoonist Robert Crumb – including a pair of original hand-drawn personal greeting cards and a 13-page sketchbook – sold for $16,950 at a … Continue reading R. Crumb’s Notebooks
Some snazzy little sketchbooks from Ugmonk. They also make t-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, prints, and more, all with bold graphics. At $14.00 for a set of 3 pocket-size notebooks, they’re not cheap, but they’ll stand out from the rest of the cahier crowd! More info at Ugmonk — MINI-SKETCHBOOKS (SET OF 3).
Here’s an interesting article about journals that have been set free to wander the globe over the past decade: A real page-turner: The results of the 1,000 Journals Project are revealed – Features, Art – The Independent. It all started with a bit of graffiti on a toilet wall. But what began life as a … Continue reading 1,000 Journals Project