Spotted in this past weekend’s “T” style magazine: A facsimile edition of choreographer Merce Cunningham’s sketchbook: And a look at the efficient carry-on travel style of Bruce Pask (he’s the fashion director of the magazine). Can you spot the notebook? Close up below:
From a UK article about an exhibition of sketches done in local watering holes: For several years, father-of-three Ian, 41, has taken his sketchbook to hundreds of bars across the city to draw local drinkers. Ian makes small drawings in pen in his sketchbook or on coasters before creating larger versions in charcoal at his … Continue reading Ian Bowden’s Pub Sketches→
A nice collection of Moleskines, posted on Flickr: I see sketchbooks, ruled and squared, large and small, top-opening and side-opening, which got me thinking: do most Moleskine users tend to buy mostly one kind of Moleskine over and over again, or do they have a wide variety like this? My Moleskine collection is much more … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Goodsnake→
I love seeing videos of people flipping through their notebooks, especially colorful art journals like the one below, from Leslie at Comfortble Shoes Studio. Read more at Comfortable Shoes Studio: Journal Flip: Moleskine #3.
Here’s another sketchbook addict, found via the “Sketchbook Series” posts at Book By Its Cover. She uses an interesting variety of sketchbooks and her artwork is lovely! See more here.
Leigh Reyes takes a look at a Fabriano artist’s journal with pages in 4 different neutral tones: Her verdict? It’s great for watercolor, including the beautiful work below: Read more at Fabriano Quadrato Artist’s Journal. | Leigh Reyes. My Life As a Verb..
Lapin’s been featured here before, but I spotted this via Doodlers Anonymous and had to make it an addict post. Here’s what DA had to say: If you like to sketch and you don’t already know the work of the wonderfully talented Lapin, then you best start getting familiar with him. He’s a force to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Lapin→
This week, we have another sketchbook addict. Here’s some of his favorites: And here’s some of the beautiful work he fills them with! Read more at WENT SKETCHING: Studio Workhorse: The 4×6 Strathmore Sketch and WENT SKETCHING: Moleskines on the Road, and definitely follow his blog for lots of great posts on using various art … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tom Lynch→
Very cool! The original sketchbook of the woman who designed the graphical interface icons for the first Mac computers: Kare stayed on at Apple to craft the navigational elements for Mac’s GUI. Because an application for designing icons on screen hadn’t been coded yet, she went to the University Art supply store in Palo … Continue reading Susan Kare’s Sketchbook: The Birth of an Icon→
I came across an interesting interview with Drew Bryant, who works as a designer for a branding/exhibit design firm, but also loves to draw in his spare time. Here’s a few outtakes: What sparked your passion for drawing? Since I was a young child I have loved to draw. It really has came and went … Continue reading Drew Bryant Talks About Keeping a Sketchbook→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…