Have you ever had to take advantage of Moleskine’s warranty? Here’s someone who tried to but didn’t have a great experience: [In every Moleskine, there] is always a little promo sheet that includes their warranty. Basically, it says if there is “a defect of any kind†(quote from the sheet), just send them a digital … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Quality Control Responsiveness→
Here’s a nice detailed look at one user’s switch from Moleskine to Leuchtturm: Hello Leuchtturm1917, goodbye Moleskine!. The blogger at Recording Thoughts has been using squared Moleskines for a while but started to find the quality inconsistent: Ever since Moleskine moved their production to China every book is a little different than the previous one. … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Hello, Goodbye→
I bookmarked these posts ages ago: Why I stopped using a moleskine (part 1) and (part 2). I’m always fascinated by the different ways the Moleskine brand has imprinted itself on people, and the passion it can inspire. And as with all great passions, when the love affair ends, equally strong feelings are experienced. Ming … Continue reading Why Ming Stopped Using a Moleskine→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…