Introducing my first (rather amateurish!) notebook video– this is a look at the notebook I just finished using. I’ll try to post more notebook videos in the future, and if any readers want to submit links to their own YouTube videos of notebooks, I’ll share those too.
I noticed the other day that I seemed to be rampaging through my latest notebook at a faster than usual pace. Have I just had more to write about? More to draw? More things to do and ideas to jot? I’m not sure, but part of the reason is definitely that I copied several pages … Continue reading From Old to New…→
Do you have a “system” for using a notebook? A lot of people talk about using notebooks for GTD– the method of organizing tasks promoted by David Allen’s best-selling productivity book Getting Things Done. I’ve had a few different methods of tracking tasks in notebooks and on a computer and PDA, but here’s my current … Continue reading What’s Your System?→
Here’s an interesting article from The Simple Dollar, in which the writer’s notebooks are a key example of something many of us struggle with: I like pocket notebooks. During my years as a young professional who still harbored some little sliver of a dream of someday becoming a writer, I would often pick up a … Continue reading “Creation versus Consumption”→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…