Tag Archives: planner

Stolen in Seattle: A Hobonichi Techo

I feel this person’s pain, and hope someone is able to help! From a local Seattle blog: “After a car break-in over the weekend, Aidan is just hoping to get one thing back: Saturday night (last night) our mini cooper was broken into in the Skylark Cafe/Bar parking lot. … They took my messenger bag … Continue reading Stolen in Seattle: A Hobonichi Techo

Moleskine Monday: New Products

It’s always interesting to see what new products pop up on Amazon for the coming year. There are quite a few “Chapters Journals” in various colors and sizes– unusual ones for Moleskine, such as 3.75 x7,” 3 x 5.5,” and 4.5 x 8.25.” The colors include “old rose,” “tawny olive,” and “plum purple.”  There are … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: New Products

Giveaway: Five 2015 Leuchtturm Planners!

Our friends at LoveNotebooks have an exciting giveaway offer for you: 2015 Leuchtturm Planners! At the LoveNotebooks blog, you can read their Top 10 Reasons to use a Leuchtturm Planner in 2015, the first 3 of which are below:   1. Quality. Their motto says it all, “details make all the difference”. Leuchtturm has designed … Continue reading Giveaway: Five 2015 Leuchtturm Planners!

Review & Giveaway: Notez and Dayz by Less Thingz

It’s fun to review things that stretch the boundaries of “notebook” a bit. The Notez notebook and Dayz planner certainly do that! They are made by an Austrian company called Less Thingz, who were kind enough to send me these samples. At a glance, you can see that these have a unique format. The outside … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Notez and Dayz by Less Thingz

Notebook Sightings

Some of the notebooks I’ve spotted on recent shopping trips, first these “Carnets de Poche” at a gift shop in Bethesda, MD. They’re a bit large to really fit in your poche, perhaps, but rather cute nonetheless, with a nice mix of papers inside:   I was quite intrigued by these Mead planners I saw … Continue reading Notebook Sightings

Lapin 2014 Planner from Miquelrius

I’ve admired Lapin’s notebook art for quite a while so I was happy to see he’s got a line of notebooks and planners with Miquelrius, including this one: See more at Agenda PASSPORT 2CV MR ART BY LAPIN | , | Agendas, libretas, cuadernos, carpetas, mochilas, estuches, bolsas, libreta, cuaderno, material escolar, mochila | Miquelrius-Papelería … Continue reading Lapin 2014 Planner from Miquelrius

Review: Hobonichi Techo Planner 2014

Here’s an exciting item to be my first review of 2014: I’d heard about the Hobonichi Planner on a few other notebook sites, so I was very happy when their US marketing person contacted me to offer a sample for review. 2014 is the first year they’ve done an English-translated version of this planner, which … Continue reading Review: Hobonichi Techo Planner 2014

Moleskine Monday: Coming This Spring

Looks like Moleskine is introducing some interesting new items this spring. If you search on Amazon by pub date, you’ll see all the 2014 and 2015 planners, including something called a Dashboard Planner. Moleskine 2015 Dashboard Planner, Vertical, 12 Month, Large, Black, Hard Cover (5 x 8.25) They are also launching something I’ve long wanted … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Coming This Spring

Notebook Addict of the Week: Susannah

Susannah’s blog post has lots of great photos of the 8 Moleskines she is currently using, each for a different purpose, including an art journal, prayer journal and “everything I want to remember for eventually” notebook. See many more photos, including some closeups of her beautiful handwriting, at (life is too short not to) wear … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Susannah