Tag Archives: paper

Talking to Strangers About Notebooks

I was on the train the other night and took out my notebook to jot something down. The woman sitting next to me, with whom I had not exchanged a word up til then, said “Oh wow, that’s so nice to see that you are using a paper notebook! You never see anyone writing in … Continue reading Talking to Strangers About Notebooks

Harvard Business Review: Paper or Digital?

I noticed these two dueling articles, both on the Harvard Business Review website: What You Miss When You Take Notes on Your Laptop “Even in my relatively short foray into office life, I notice that few people bring a pen and notebook to meetings. I’ve been told that over the years, the spiral notebooks and … Continue reading Harvard Business Review: Paper or Digital?

Paper in the Digital World

Some lovely notebook images and thoughts about why we still love paper, and in fact may love paper even more because our lives have gone digital. From the article: “If you find yourself dependent on notebooks, even if much of your work is online, you are part of a growing number of people who are … Continue reading Paper in the Digital World

Notebook Addict of the Week: Luke

This week’s addict won one of my giveaways a while back, and later shared this photo of his sketchbook collection on Twitter: Luke is an “Art maker” and “Fan of pencils and paper” from Australia. You can follow him on Twitter at @moon_peel Thanks for sharing your addiction, Luke!

Lineaturen Notebook

Here’s something similar to the Grids and Guides notebook I posted about a few weeks ago. It’s called “Lineaturen” in German, which seems to translate to “line structures.” I spotted this notebook at the Centre Pompidou store and thought it was quite neat, not just as a notebook but as an exploration of the various … Continue reading Lineaturen Notebook

Moleskine Monday: Evernote Expansion

Moleskine’s Evernote collection keeps growing, as they now offer various options in pocket and large size, including squared, lined and plain pages, as well as the heavier-weight sketchbook pages, softcover journals, and a planner. Presumably this means the products have been successful, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone using one. I occasionally use … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Evernote Expansion

Review: Pen & Ink Squared Notebook

I’ve reviewed and mentioned the Pen & Ink brand sketchbooks several times on this site (see here, here, here, and here.) They are the closest substitute for a Moleskine sketchbook with the heavy-weight card stock paper, and they’re affordable and well-made. But I’ve never reviewed their other notebooks with standard weight paper. Squared notebooks are … Continue reading Review: Pen & Ink Squared Notebook

Moleskine Monday: Custom Printing

Not long ago, Moleskine and Milk announced their collaboration to create custom printed photo albums in Moleskine format. I was intrigued, but disappointed that only larger sizes were offered. Now there’s another way to print your own customized Moleskine book, this time in a pocket sized Japanese album format:   “Your digital drawings can now … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Custom Printing

What Famous Authors Write With

There was an interesting feature at Flavorwire on the writing tools of famous authors. Unfortunately, most of the examples just include a photo of the author rather than the writing tools themselves, but here’s a notable exception:   It’s J. K. Rowling‘s plans for writing Harry Potter, on a sheet of looseleaf paper. Wow. See … Continue reading What Famous Authors Write With