Tag Archives: notebooks

Josephine Wolff’s Perfect Notebook: Fantasticpaper

I love finding out about notebook brands I’ve never heard of, this time via a fun article from Buzzfeed, by Josephine Wolff. She first talks quite a bit about her notebooking habits: As far back as I can remember, I have been an obsessive keeper and collector of notebooks, devoted to filling them with lists and … Continue reading Josephine Wolff’s Perfect Notebook: Fantasticpaper

Marie Kondo and Tidying Up Notebooks

Is tidying up notebooks possible for us notebook addicts? I’ve been a tidy person who folds her t-shirts precisely and stores them vertically in drawers since long before Marie Kondo‘s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” hit the bestseller lists. Because I’ve lived in some very tiny New York apartments, I’ve always been pretty good … Continue reading Marie Kondo and Tidying Up Notebooks

Sketchbook Art in NYC

There was an exhibition of sketchbook art in Long Island City, NY recently. I had hoped to see it in person but the opening weekend there was supposed to be a big snowstorm so I was avoiding travel into the city. Then when I tried to go the next weekend, there was some sort of … Continue reading Sketchbook Art in NYC

Notebook Addict of the Week: Mary

This week’s notebook addict sent the photos and comments below about her beautiful and colorful notebooks: I can’t exist without writing, painting and making art in my notebooks. I live in the Texas panhandle area. There just isn’t much to do here at all except watch sunsets and moonrise and hear the coyotes howl and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Mary

Notebooks I’m Using Now: February 2019

I realized that my “using now” feature hadn’t been updated in quite a while, since October 2018. I finished all my main notebooks around the end of the year, so my daily carry is completely different. As usual, I have a few other notebooks in progress as well. Daily Carry Notebooks As noted in other … Continue reading Notebooks I’m Using Now: February 2019

Notebook Addict of the Week: Naomi Leeman

This week’s addict is a designer and illustrator who has filled a nice row of Moleskine journals: What’s inside is even better: beautiful travel collages! For the past several years, I’ve keep a sketchbook that I use for everyday notes, ideas, lists, sketches, as well as travel collages.  I carry it with me everywhere and, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Naomi Leeman

Notebooks and Perfectionism

I recently got this email from a reader: I’m Riccardo from Italy and I love your blog. I think I have a “problem” with notebooks and paper in general. I want every paper object  to be perfect. Today I misspelled my email address in my personal info in my planner and… You can imagine what a … Continue reading Notebooks and Perfectionism

Notebook Addict of the Week: Jakex0

I spotted this week’s addict on the Reddit r/Notebooks community: In the comments, the user details all the different brands, including Rite in the Rain, Superior Maker, Samsill, Black n Red and others. I don’t have a problem, I can stop anytime I want!

Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Sarah asks:  I wanted to ask your recommendation on a set of notebooks that I can use to journal my entire year so that I can carry them and write in them around one or two months’ worth at a time.  I don’t like  Moleskine’s thin paper but I am looking for that concept, a … Continue reading Reader Question: Where Can I Get a Set of Monthly Journals?

Notebooks from Europe

I’m very fortunate to have friends in Paris and Amsterdam that I’ve been able to visit a few times. I went in 2014 and bought quite a few notebooks. This past year, I went again, and also included Belgium on my itinerary. I wasn’t expecting to buy as many notebooks this time, but I ended … Continue reading Notebooks from Europe