Nothing like an afternoon spent sitting on the deck, with some nice plants and a stack of notebooks to review…
Nothing like an afternoon spent sitting on the deck, with some nice plants and a stack of notebooks to review…
A WikiHow page on “How to Keep a Notebook:” Step 1: Decide the purpose for your notebook. Will you write down your inventions? Will you write ideas for the screenplay, novel, poems you will someday write? Will you write down thoughts and ideas related to a particular project? Or do you simply want to have … Continue reading How To Keep a Notebook
I retrieved a ton of old notebooks from my parents’ basement– I had totally forgotten about some of these! I am looking forward to rediscovering some favorites from my childhood collection and posting them here!
At Megaquotes, there’s quite a list of quotes about writing. The ones below made me think about my own notebooks: So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it. ~Harold Acton, Memoirs of an Aesthete, 1948 (All those nice fresh … Continue reading Quotable Quotes
… about notebooks. I was in some kind of Home Depot-like store, and saw that they were selling the kind of diary I used to use in the mid-80s, when I was in high school. They were exactly 3×5, with a black faux-leather cover. In the front, they had pages with measurement conversions, city populations, … Continue reading Last Night I Dreamed…
Cat Rambo’s thoughts On Writing Process, a guest post at Jeff Vandermeer’s Ecstatic Days. I write in large sketch pads, because I like the space to draw arrows and circles and make marginal notes. I used to write in Moleskin [sic] notebooks, but nowadays they just don’t seem large enough for novel-sized thinking. I save … Continue reading What Kind of Notebook Is Best for Creative Writing?
These two posts caught my eye today: This morning I’ve been thinking about how last May my literary archives went to Texas. All my papers (letters to and from me, journals, notebooks, drafts and fragment of work both published and unpublished, contracts, bank statements, phone bills, you name it) had lived with me for over … Continue reading To Keep or Not To Keep: Notebooks and Posterity?
I was in Paris this past weekend. Though I was trying to squeeze a lot of sight-seeing into a short trip, of course I tried to look for notebooks! I didn’t come across too many stationery stores, but I did find one place that was selling Moleskines, in what I think is considered part of … Continue reading Moleskines in Paris: Ouch!