This week’s addict emailed me a few months ago about her love for notebooks: Hello there. I’m Allie, fourteen years old, and completely in love with your blog. Honestly, I didn’t know that there were so many brands that I was not familiar with! I’m a self confessed notebook junkie, owning over 80 notebooks, not … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Allie→
David Bogie shared a couple of great tips: first, this interesting notebook, used to record games of Go. I remember trying to play Go with my dad sometimes when I was a kid, or more frequently, Gomoku, which is much simpler. I certainly never got to the level of having to record my games, but … Continue reading Tips from Readers→
So cool, I love this composite image of 704 Moleskine pages from Kolby Kirk, aka The Hike Guy. I’ve mentioned him on this blog before, but I think this is my favorite yet! Read all about the journals and see more of Kolby’s excellent sketches at My Pacific Crest Trail Moleskine Journals | The … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Hiking Journals by Kolby Kirk→
Present&Correct is a UK-based online retailer I recently stumbled across. I love the look of their website and they offer a variety of notebooks that are equally pleasing to the eye!
I love the fun, doodly quality of these cover designs by Daniel Ting Chong, designed for a school in South Africa:  via Daniel Ting Chong: Pharos NoteBooks » Design You Trust – Design and Beyond!.
JetPens is renowned as a fabulous source of, well, pens… but they also stock a lot of great notebooks too. Brad at Jet Pens was kind enough to send me some samples for review– let’s take a look! These 3 notebooks are give a first impression of sleekness, somehow. The covers are smooth, and they … Continue reading Review: Kokuyo and Maruman Notebooks from Jet Pens→
Jenny asks “Do you know of any companies that produce notebooks for keeping track of books read? I remember seeing one at some point, but I didn’t need one then :) As I am now working in a library and reading more, I would like to keep track of what I am reading and whether … Continue reading Questions from Readers→
Having seen Endgame and Waiting for Godot, I’d have to admit that I find these notebooks much more interesting than Beckett’s actual plays! See more at A Rare Look at Samuel Beckett’s Doodle-Filled Notebooks | Brain Pickings.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…