Tlacuache Notebooks are made in Mexico. On their Facebook page, they recently shared some photos of work in progress– pretty cool! And here’s some of the finished products: I may need to take a trip to Mexico to check these out! See more at Tlacuache Notebooks..
This week’s addict is from Holland, and sent this picture of her collection, or rather, part of it: “I’ve been a fan of your site for a long time and for an equally long time I’ve been wanting to send you a picture of my own collection. What was holding me back was a sense … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Anke→
This is from my latest favorite essay about keeping a notebook, by Irish writer Kevin Barry, author of City of Bohane: Stationery stores are for me places of huge erotic frisson. I traipse grubbily around the aisles in my long coat and when I think nobody is looking, I have a surreptitious little sniff at … Continue reading Kevin Barry on the Keeping of Notebooks→
A while back, I posted about some notebooks that appear in the Tintin books. I also just caught a glimpse of one during the first few minutes of the Tintin movie! I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, and I’m hoping more notebooks will make an appearance. This one looks like a Moleskine reporter notebook. … Continue reading Tintin’s Notebook→
Luis emailed me from Brazil. He’s a fan of Zequenz and Moleskine notebooks, as well as Leuchtturm and some other brands I can’t quite identify from this photo of his nicely organized collection. I think I spy some Writersblok notebooks towards the left: Thanks for sharing your addiction, Luis! Obrigada!
Some more fun stuff submitted by readers: From Ema: i´m addicted to paper and everything that comes with it, since i´m able to hold a pencil. in the first semester at the university(i´m studying design) i took an bookbinding class and realised how easy it is to make my own notebooks. now i´m the … Continue reading From the In-Box→
These are some stumpers! Please chime in if you can help these readers! From Jeffrey: I’m looking for a specific kind of notebook that I can’t figure out if it exists or not… looking for a soft cover with elastic closure (like the soft moleskines). Â Also want it to be perforated on every page (like … Continue reading Questions from Readers→
Spotted this in a magazine a while back: Some nice looking notebooks, plus a pen and cool old cameras as a bonus. Kind of a funny ad, though, given that it barely looks like a closet!
In honor of Inauguration Day, I thought I’d revisit a post I did 4 years ago about various members of then-President-Elect Obama’s staff who happened to be photographed holding notebooks. (Yesterday’s New York Times Magazine also looked back at that photo series in an article about Obama’s first term from the viewpoints of some of … Continue reading Notebooks in the White House→
I am happy to report that my notebooks and I are safely high and dry in Brooklyn, but some of the rest of the city isn’t so lucky. What a terrible storm this has turned out to be, with horrible flooding, fires, power outages and trees falling. I’m not sure when I’ll next be able … Continue reading Update from Notebook Stories HQ→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…