Tag Archives: notebooks

From Our Readers

Mike Sheehan shares his excellent sketches documenting the Murrieta immigration protests: David is excited that the “Trapper Keeper lives!”. Renee shares the story of a teacher who is looking for donations of journals for her students. She successfully collected 100 journals for the 2013-2014 school year, and now she needs to do it again! Please … Continue reading From Our Readers

Italian Notebooks from the 1940s-1950s

These are described as “Sweet Bella vintage Italian notebooks from the ’40s and ’50s.” If they are really that old and not reproductions made more recently, that is pretty cool! They look brand new…   Sweet Bella’s website features some products from Antica Cartotecnica which are said to be vintage items “culled from decades of … Continue reading Italian Notebooks from the 1940s-1950s

Notebook Addict of the Week: A Four Year Old!

Jes from Australia writes to say that her 4 year old son is a budding notebook addict! “About 18 months ago he asked for a notebook from my own (extensive collection, who said addiction doesn’t run in families? ). Since then he has filled a few. I love watching him create and record himself in … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Four Year Old!

Notebook Addict of the Week: Kevin

This week’s addict is a writer who does much of his work in notebooks. He recently finished a novel consisting of “116,386 words, 472 pages (almost a ream of paper), and numerous books of hand written script.”   “I always write the first draft by hand, I find it more intimate than typing directly onto … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kevin

This Week’s Theme: Old Notebooks from Boorum & Pease

I thought it would be fun to have a whole week of posts about an old brand of notebooks that used to be ubiquitous and now has become almost– but not quite— extinct: Boorum and Pease. They started out as an independent manufacturer of blank books based in Brooklyn, but since then, they’ve been absorbed … Continue reading This Week’s Theme: Old Notebooks from Boorum & Pease

More on London Notebooks

When I was complaining about the bleak landscape for London notebook shopping, I didn’t mention the most frustrating part of the trip! I was there on business, and during my last meeting of the trip, when I already knew it was pretty likely that I’d go home without buying anything, I spotted a really gorgeous … Continue reading More on London Notebooks