That’s not just an image of embroidery, it’s actual stitching: “Check out these hand-embroidered notebooks that feature designs ranging from anatomical and natural to geometric and macabre, then try to make your own!” Source: Hand-Embroidered Notebooks Are Almost Too Pretty to Use | Make:
This week’s addict was spotted on Tumblr via the Moleskine Lovers page, who reposted the original from Quick and Curious: Gotta love a nice tidy drawerful of notebooks.
Flying Tiger is a Danish design store — they’ve recently opened a location in New York, and when I checked it out recently, I found that they have some amazingly cheap notebooks! They have colorful composition books for only $2: There are also 3 sizes of hardcover journals, 4×6″ for $1, 6×8″ for $2, and … Continue reading Flying Tiger Notebooks→
It’s always cool to see someone turn their love of notebooks into a business: “Nicole Watkins knows firsthand that faithfully writing in a journal can change your life. “I’ve been journaling since I was a little girl. I loved that connection between the hand and the mind and writing would always get me through sad … Continue reading Journal Junky→
A tantalizing glimpse of some Japanese notebooks dating back to World War II: “Long-forgotten documents on Japan’s attempt to build an atomic bomb during World War II have been discovered at Kyoto University, which experts say further confirms the secret program’s existence and could reveal the level of the research. The newly found items, dating … Continue reading WWII Japanese Notebooks→
I don’t remember how I first heard that there was such a thing as Japanese stationery magazines, and I’m not even sure if “magazine” is the right word for them. The first one I’d heard of was a series of numbered volumes called “Note and Diary Style Book.” I searched for them on Amazon Japan, … Continue reading Japanese Stationery Magazines (and Giveaway!)→
Here’s an addict with a nice assortment of notebooks and fountain pens. Interestingly, the notebooks seem to have quite a variety, but the pens look like they are all variations of the same brand… The photo tags mention Rhodia and Whitelines. I think I also spy Moleskine and Life notebooks. See the original at … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Video Eleven→
Some lovely notebook images and thoughts about why we still love paper, and in fact may love paper even more because our lives have gone digital. From the article: “If you find yourself dependent on notebooks, even if much of your work is online, you are part of a growing number of people who are … Continue reading Paper in the Digital World→
Robert Smith is a journalist who works on NPR’s Planet Money. I love this photo of his notebooks! Here’s part of his story on how they ended up this way: “I started to put photos on the front of my notebooks because I kept losing track of which one I was using. I would just … Continue reading Robert Smith’s Notebooks→
I just subscribed to a newsletter from French style icon Ines de la Fressange, in which she recommends various finds– mostly clothing, beauty products and housewares, etc., but I was also happy to spot this plug for a French bookshop that apparently has a great selection of notebooks! It’ll be on my list of place … Continue reading Ines de la Fressange Collects Notebooks→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…