Tag Archives: notebooks

Glowing Circle Made of Notebooks

I’d love to see this in person– this art installation is a glowing flat circle that turns out to be made of thousands of recycled notebooks! “Commissioned by Azkuna Zentroa, Luzinterruptus crafted Denboran Zehar for the 10th anniversary of Gutun Zuria (Bilbao Internacional Literature Festival) in April 2017. In light of the anniversary, the designers … Continue reading Glowing Circle Made of Notebooks

A Grandfather’s Notebooks

What an amazing story. Lauren Blank received a wonderful gift when she turned 16 recently: Her grandfather decided the time was right to share a special gift with her: three notebooks filled with her grandfather’s writing, documenting all the time they spent together from the time Blank was 2 until she was 5. He documented every … Continue reading A Grandfather’s Notebooks

Notebook Stories on Pinterest

I’ve been posting less frequently here lately, due to some time constraints, but I’m still always searching for interesting notebooks! If you are hungry for notebook eye candy in between blog posts, please make sure you also follow me on Pinterest. Lots of beautiful notebook pages and other good stuff.

Chefs’ Notebooks Photographed by Jeff Scott

More notebooks from chefs! “Fine-art photographer Jeff Scott won the 2012 James Beard Foundation Award in the Photography category for Notes From a Kitchen: A Journey Inside Culinary Obsession…. The book doesn’t contain any recipes, but instead aims to reveal the creative process for some of the top, young chefs in America. Shot documentary-style, Scott’s … Continue reading Chefs’ Notebooks Photographed by Jeff Scott

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joshua

This week’s addict is Joshua Blevins Peck, a librarian, writer, musician and photographer who has amassed quite a collection of notebooks all devoted to one topic– recording all the movies he watches, over 4000 of them so far! I’d say he’s a movie addict as well as a notebook addict. Here’s what Joshua has to … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joshua

Notebook Addict of the Week: MissVickyBee

This week’s addict is another YouTuber called Miss VickyBee, who has a variety of lengthy videos in which she talks about her various journals. This one is about 25 minutes and goes through all the journals she is currently using (or was using as of its 2014 date).   There are lots more to explore!