I’m a writer by trade; so I tend to horde notebooks. And yet tonight to my chagrin I found that I didn’t have a single empty one to use for class in the morning. [link] I found this funny– I think I can safely say I have never found myself in this situation! Running out … Continue reading A Rare Problem→
Head on over to Black Cover to enter the contest to win some samples of the Picadilly notebooks, a low-priced Moleskine alternative. Enter by October 30th!
Here’s an interesting article from The Simple Dollar, in which the writer’s notebooks are a key example of something many of us struggle with: I like pocket notebooks. During my years as a young professional who still harbored some little sliver of a dream of someday becoming a writer, I would often pick up a … Continue reading “Creation versus Consumption”→
Black Cover has just reviewed a very promising Moleskine-alternative, the Picadilly Notebook. It only costs $5, which, given recent economic events, will surely be appealing to all the addicts out there who were planning to cash out their 401ks to buy notebooks. Black Cover has even given readers a code for a 15% discount! Less … Continue reading Two New Notebook Reviews at Black Cover: The Picadilly Notebook and the Agawami +1→
Theme for today’s links: that impulse to buy new notebooks while having an inability to fill them: I have a nasty habit of saving notebooks I like until I have the perfect thing to write in them, and then I never end up writing in them Rule #7: No new notebooks or writing paper. Use … Continue reading We All Have a Problem→
Via CoolHunting, here’s a line of limited-edition notebooks that will appeal to collectors of unique art and design. They’re called Unfinished Notebooks, made by Studio Matador. They look great, but I’d have a hard time actually writing in one of these, I think– when a notebook seems too special, it can be paralyzing! Who wants … Continue reading Unfinished Notebooks→
I go through a variety of notebook-using habits. Lately, I tend to have about 3 going at once. I have a soft-cover Moleskine with graph paper pages that I’m using for daily jottings: to-do’s, French vocabulary, notes on books or movies to read, etc. A lot of these kinds of notes are things that I … Continue reading My Current Notebook Usage Dilemma→
I got a kick out of this post from Gothamist, about an elderly lawyer who kept a notebook labeled “Tax Journal,” in which he dutifully recorded expenses that he later deducted. Good idea, in theory, but not when those supposedly tax-deductible expenses are, for 2002 alone, “$111,364 for ‘therapeutic sex’ and massages ‘to relieve osteoarthritis … Continue reading Notebooks Can Be Your Downfall→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…