Tag Archives: notebook modifications

Vintage Filofax Modification

It’s been a long time since I embarked on any crazy notebook modification adventures. But every once in a while, I get a bee in my bonnet about a notebook that is just soooo close to perfect except for this one little thing… and if it seems like something I might be able to fix, … Continue reading Vintage Filofax Modification

Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

Here’s another shoebox full of notebooks from my collection. This one has most of my Filofaxes and other refillable looseleaf notebooks. First, here’s the Filofaxes. I used 4 of these on a regular basis during the mid to late 1990s. (See Pocket Filofax, Early 1990s for details on the burgundy one.) These older ones all … Continue reading Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: A Dissection

Have you ever wondered what might happen if you tried to take apart a Moleskine? I have… and recently, I actually tried it! I had just started using a recently purchased Moleskine. As with most of the Moleskines I’ve been seeing in stores recently, I was annoyed that this notebook had a larger than usual … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: A Dissection

Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack

I hadn’t seen or heard of these Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged notebooks before reading this post: Ink Nouveau: Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack. They seem to be nice little cahier-style notebooks– they don’t come with an elastic, but you can add one if you’re handy with a glue gun! See the original post for further steps. … Continue reading Clairefontaine Life.Unplugged. Notebook Elastic Band Hack

Moleskine Monday: Make a Hipster PDA With a Moleskine Planner

Check out this tutorial on how to make a sort of Hipster PDA out of a Moleskine. I’m not sure how I’d like having those rings interfering with the front cover lying flat, but I like the way this adds a removable/ refillable element to the Moleskine, and the ability to flip it to the … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Make a Hipster PDA With a Moleskine Planner