Tag Archives: notebook collection

Ten Years of Notebook Stories!

September 12, 2008: 25 people died in a train collision in Los Angeles. Top Wall Street bankers and US government officials met in a panic to try to save Lehman Brothers, as the country began to tumble into the biggest financial crisis since the depression. David Foster Wallace committed suicide. But on the brighter side of things, … Continue reading Ten Years of Notebook Stories!

Notebook Addiction at Different Ages

I’ve been thinking about what it’s like to be a notebook addict when you’re a kid vs. as an adult. I know this site has some teenage readers, and I sometimes hear from parents whose kids love notebooks. I myself was obsessed with notebooks before I even knew how to write– I recently found an … Continue reading Notebook Addiction at Different Ages

Notebook Addict of the Week: Bob

This week’s addict emailed me LOTS of photos of his HUGE stash of notebooks. He has at least 60 filled notebooks and a ton of spares. Check out this inventory: Black and Red med sc 16 Black and Red med bc 1 ARC disc sm 1 ARC disc med leather 16 ARC disc std cover … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Bob

Notebook Addict of the Week: John Hewitt

This week’s addict is John Hewitt, who you can find on Instagram at w_john_hewitt. I reposted this image of his sketchbooks on my own Instagram feed recently– I just love all those piled up sketchbooks, and am so impressed at his discipline in daily drawing. From John’s caption: Five years’ worth of sketchbooks. On 2nd … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: John Hewitt

Notebook Addict of the Week: Leigh

This week’s addict has a fun and colorful collection with a lot of variety… and apparently what’s shown below is only part of it! Notebook addiction? 📚 there are more downstairs too! 😅 Source: Leigh Dunsford on Instagram: “Notebook addiction? 📚 there are more downstairs too! 😅 #notebookaddict #notebooks #tooprettytowritein”

Notebook Addict of the Week: The Stationary Queen

I found this week’s addict on Instagram, where describes herself as “Stationary Hoarder / Diarist / Journal Keeper / Urban Sketcher / Paint Lover / Lover of all things Crafty” and shared this image of her collection of journals: On Instagram, she shares lots of beautiful images from inside her journals, and notes that some … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Stationary Queen

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joanna Penn

I found this week’s addict via Pinterest, which linked back to her Flickr photos. As J. F. Penn, Joanna is a thriller writer. (Her books are described by readers as “Dan Brown meets Lara Croft.” Sounds fun!) As Joanna Penn, she has also published several how-to books about how to self-publish and market books, public … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joanna Penn

Notebook Addict of the Week: Shari

This week’s addict blogs about writing and art journaling at Islands of My Soul, where she posted this photo of her journals: I have at least 30 or 40 notebooks and journals filled with my writing.  They are all over the place.  This is a photo of some of the notebooks that would show up … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Shari