This week’s Addict is another reader who submitted a photo of her collection, as well as these thoughts: Some of these notebooks have been used, some of them are waiting for a use to present itself, and some of them I bought simply to look pretty. I don’t consider myself a notebook connoisseur, and quite … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Millie→
A reader named Jonel sent me a link to her Flickr page, where she has some great photos of her prodigious notebook collection: This photo only captures about half the spread– it was too big to fit in one shot! (The Flickr shots are tagged with notes.) And it doesn’t end there, as Jonel added … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jonel→
Che Moleman’s images often seem to pop up when I’m looking at Moleskine-tagged photos on Flickr. His collection goes beyond Moleskines, though, as you can see below and in other images in his photostream:
A reader named Carol sent me a really nice email a couple of months ago and I’m finally getting around to making her an Addict of the Week. Here’s some of what she had to say (I’m blushing as I write this!): I love you, I love your website, and I love all the other … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Carol→
Here’s someone who is a notebook addict and a bit of a philosopher too, it seems. Many of the notebooks seem to be the red and black ones made in China and sold in stores such as Pearl River Mart in NYC. I have one in my collection that was bought in Boston’s Chinatown many … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Jack Haas→
Here’s a notebook addict who used her collection to accomplish something amazing: A Wisconsin teenager named Cayla Kluver kept notebooks, lots of them. These colorful spiral notebooks are the kind you get at the local pharmacy or supermarket. Nothing fancy, but the perfect canvas for personalizing, or maybe writing a narrative. On those pages, Cayla … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Teenage Novelist→
This week’s notebook addict blogs about history at Patriots and Peoples. He says: A bit more than twenty years ago I started carrying a spiral notebook with me almost constantly. I usually wrote in it while reading—taking notes, jotting titles and authors of other texts that I planned to examine, proposing theses, writing initial drafts … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Patriots and Peoples→
I don’t speak German, but this picture is worth a thousand words: I’m wondering if the ones at the top of the pile are Moleskines with a little pen-loop added on… » Blog Archive » Sonntagsidee 1: Kinderentwicklungstagebuch.
This week’s notebook addict is Strikethru. For reasons I don’t understand, some of my notebooks are at least half used, while others have only a sullied page or two, and still others are completely blank. When I look back over my skritchings, one thing is clear– since college, I have rarely used a notebook for … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Strikethru→
Wow. Here’s someone who must really like to stock up and save when she finds a notebook she likes! Here’s her thoughts on the matter: I like notebooks. I buy them as souvenirs in places I visit: the two ones with hearts on it are both bought in New York for example. Or if they … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Girl in the Cafe→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…