Tag Archives: notebook addict

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Wandeka

Wandeka is an artist and writer, originally from Jamaica and now living in Louisiana. I featured her about a year and a half ago when I found her blog post about wanting to join a stationery addict support group. She has since found some support here at Notebook Stories, but it hasn’t cured her notebook … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Wandeka

Notebook Addict of the Week: Pepperguy

This week’s addict was spotted on the F***Yeah Notebooks and Journals Tumblr page, a good source for notebook eye candy! Pepperguy says “I have a bit of an addiction.” I’d love to see more beyond this tantalizing glimpse of Moleskines and Field Notes!   See more at I have a bit of a notebook addiction. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Pepperguy

Notebook Addict of the Week: Krystina

This week’s addict was brought to my attention via an email from a reader named Reema. Krystina wrote about her life-long habit of journaling at her website, Baraka Birth. “I’ve been keeping a journal since 1991, when at age nine I was a gap-toothed kid tearing up the playground in New Delhi, India. That first … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Krystina

Notebook Addict of the Week: Sarah W.

This week’s addict emailed me to say “I felt the need to share my notebooks after I stumbled across your website. For months, I was looking for websites that were centered around journaling. I love knowing that Im not the only one with this addiction. The first photo is all of my finished journals so … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Sarah W.

Notebook Addict of the Week: Rene

This week’s addict calls himself a “hoarder!” Yet he also has a generous spirit in his addiction: “I typically give most of these away, especially the Moleskines, to students as they want to write in what I’m writing in. I do journaling with them also so we kinda compete.” From top left: A three pack … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Rene

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): The JournalCEO

This week’s repeat addict was featured about a year ago with my first ever video submission. Now she’s back again with another great video documenting her growing journal collection and some of the life experiences that have been documented in those journals. See more at TheJournalCEO – YouTube. Here’s what the JournalCEO has to say: … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): The JournalCEO

Notebook Addict of the Week: Sarita

Sarita emailed me some photos of a great collection! Sarita says: “I’m not even  sure if this number is accurate, but I believe I have about 25 unused & 35 used or briefly written in notebooks in this collection. I have a very bad habit of picking up notebooks that are cute and I end … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Sarita

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ayah

This week’s addict is a fiction writer who has a collection of almost two hundred  journals. You can see a picture gallery here: http://www.shethewriter.com/journals/ She also has several youtube videos chronicling her journaling obsession: youtube.com/shethewriter  Here’s a sneak peek of that photo gallery: Looks like a great collection! Thanks for sharing your addiction, Ayah!

Notebook Addict of the Week: Olia

This week’s addict emailed me a photo of her collection, including a lovely slipcased set of pink journals which you can see at the far right. Olia says: “I recently discovered Leuchtturm journals and really like the soft cover pocket versions. Can’t get enough of the white lined ones! You can find more photos on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Olia

Softcover and Single-Signature Notebooks from My Collection

On my “to-do” list for this blog has been a comparison of various notebooks in similar styles. I thought I’d do a post about softcover notebooks, and one about single-signature notebooks, similar to Field Notes and Moleskine Cahiers. So I went rooting around in my collection to find various examples of these styles, but the … Continue reading Softcover and Single-Signature Notebooks from My Collection