Tag Archives: notebook addict

Notebook Addict of the Week: Allister

Allister emailed me to share this photo of his collection, which is one of the most attractively arranged ones I’ve seen! Allister also makes notebooks: “Last year, I decided to take this passion a little further and opened an Etsy store selling Japanese notebooks that I hand-make myself. That way, I can experience that delightful … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Allister

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ron Nakagame

I came across this photo on Pinterest recently, and couldn’t believe I’d never seen it before, as the original has been on Flickr since 2011. Amazing collection of Midori Traveler’s Notebooks! It’s one thing to amass a huge stash of notebooks that don’t have removable pages, but when you have this many notebooks that are … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ron Nakagame

Notebook Addict of the Week: Tummyy

This week’s addict is @tummyy, who posted this image on Twitter with the comment “My collection of small notebooks is beginning to get out of hand??” I don’t think it’s all that bad just yet, do you? I hope she collects more! I’m pretty sure I spy Moleskine, Muji, and Pen & Ink brand notebooks. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tummyy

Notebook Addict of the Week: Bubba

This week’s addict emailed me some photos and the following story: “I’ve loved notebooks since I was a little kid. But this year things got crazy with the super cheap back to school sales at Staples, Walmart, and the dollar stores. Even though a single notebook was as cheap as $0.50, I ended up spending … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Bubba

Notebook Addict of the Week: Luke

This week’s addict won one of my giveaways a while back, and later shared this photo of his sketchbook collection on Twitter: Luke is an “Art maker” and “Fan of pencils and paper” from Australia. You can follow him on Twitter at @moon_peel Thanks for sharing your addiction, Luke!

Notebook Addict of the Week: Neysa

This week’s addict emailed me these photos of her collection: Her favorite is the pink Moleskine. Next on her wishlist? A customized Smythson. I like how the pinkish color tone seems to recur throughout her collection despite the wide variety in colors and designs. Thanks for sharing your addiction, Neysa!

Notebook Addict of the Week: Nancy Hanst

This week’s addict came to me via a tip from a reader (Thanks Raymond!), and I was delighted to see this story: Nancy Hanst has kept a food diary since 1962. I love Nancy’s stacks of little spiral-bound notebooks, and her consistency in keeping them for over 50 years!   From Nancy’s article: So, here … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Nancy Hanst

Notebook Addict of the Week: Zachary

This week’s addict won one of my giveaways (the Halaby Aero notebooks), and just happened to mention that he already had quite a collection. Of course I asked for photos!   Zachary says: “I’m an architecture student so I’ve gone through four years of trying find the perfect sketchbook/notebook and another four years of still … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Zachary

Notebook Addict of the Week: Kim

This week’s addict sent me an email about her notebook addiction: “The name is Kim and I have been an notebook addict unofficially since 1996 but officially since 2001. When I discovered this website it made me realize I am not alone out there and people understand the obsession these magical books posses! One of … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kim