Tag Archives: moleskine alternative

Review: Miquelrius “Boarding” Notebook

I bought this notebook almost 3 years ago and only just recently got around to unwrapping it. I almost didn’t buy it– though I immediately coveted it when I saw it at A.I. Friedman in NYC, it was priced at $17.60, discounted from an even more ridiculous $22! It’s just a pretty standard pocket size … Continue reading Review: Miquelrius “Boarding” Notebook

Moleskine Monday: A Comparison and Complaint!

I usually try not to jump on the bandwagon of talking about “how much better Moleskines used to be before they were made in China.” They were always made in China, and I can’t say I’ve always seen huge differences between the old Modo & Modo Moleskines I bought years ago and more recent ones. … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: A Comparison and Complaint!

Review and Giveaway: Miro Journals

The kind folks at Miro sent me a jumbo pile of journals to review, a selection of which appear below. They have some interesting points of difference with other products out there on the market, so let’s take a look. Miro has 4 product lines– two are wire-o bound with different types of cover materials– … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Miro Journals

Review: Rebel Arts Notebook

Here’s a neat little notebook that I picked up at the DIA Beacon shop, which was an interesting place to look for notebooks, as some of them seemed to be shelved in amongst all the art books, according to whatever artist made them. In this case, the artist is Shepard Fairey, who is best known … Continue reading Review: Rebel Arts Notebook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Gracie

This week’s addict emailed me a hot tip:  I just got home from a recent trip to Canada. I am not sure if you know this but there’s a store there called Dollarama and they sell moleskine-like notebooks for $2. They are a good alternative to the real thing and a LOT cheaper! She also … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Gracie

Ryman Notebook

Yet another proprietary brand notebooks, this time from UK office supply store Ryman’s. I keep thinking there must be just a few factories in China that churn out identical notebooks and people just slap their own branding on them! This one looks like it has a soft, smooth cover similar to the Monologue notebook I … Continue reading Ryman Notebook

Review & Giveaway: Michael Roger Notebooks

I’d noticed Michael Roger’s Decomposition books in several stationery stores– they’re a clever twist on the traditional composition book, but made with recycled paper. I hadn’t realized at first that the company also makes some other very cute notebooks in the 3.5 x 5.5″ size that always sets my heart a-flutter. When I spotted their … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Michael Roger Notebooks

Piccadilly Pricing.. and Problems?

I’ve been thinking about Piccadilly notebooks lately, as things have been changing in the retail landscape for them. Piccadilly has mainly sold their notebooks (by which I mean their Moleskine-like “Essential Notebooks”) exclusively in Borders stores. They are stocked in the bargain section rather than with the rest of the stationery products. As far as … Continue reading Piccadilly Pricing.. and Problems?

Gifts From a Reader: Rollbahn and Field Notes

I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers… well, maybe not really, but I do love it when exciting notebooks show up in my mailbox from people I’ve never met! A reader named June sent me two lovely items– first, a special edition Field Notes: This was the perfect gift, because as I’ve written here … Continue reading Gifts From a Reader: Rollbahn and Field Notes

Kompagnon Notebook with Pen Loop

For those who like pen loops, here’s a nice-looking German notebook sold by a British online retailer. If I’m not mistaken, this is the same brand as one of the notebooks I bought in Istanbul (see yesterday’s post), which I really liked other than finding the paper a little less smooth than I usually prefer. … Continue reading Kompagnon Notebook with Pen Loop