Tag Archives: modified

Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

Here’s another shoebox full of notebooks from my collection. This one has most of my Filofaxes and other refillable looseleaf notebooks. First, here’s the Filofaxes. I used 4 of these on a regular basis during the mid to late 1990s. (See Pocket Filofax, Early 1990s for details on the burgundy one.) These older ones all … Continue reading Shoebox Tour: Filofax and Other Looseleaf Notebooks

A Batch of Childhood Notebooks

I found this batch of notebooks when I was home for Christmas– I guess I’d missed them on all previous sweeps of my parents’ house. It’s an odd assortment, from when I was in junior high school through my first post-college years when I was living at home again for a little while. Most of … Continue reading A Batch of Childhood Notebooks

Question from a Reader: Covered Spiral Notebook

A while back, a reader named Gil wrote to ask for help in finding an elusive notebook. I’m stumped, so I’m turning the question over to all you other notebook fans! Gil says: “i’ve been trying desperately to locate any surviving specimens of a spiral notebook i used as a junior high student in 1968-1970. … Continue reading Question from a Reader: Covered Spiral Notebook

Pocket Filofax, Early 1990s

This is the first Filofax I ever bought, sometime in the early 1990s. I had not been out of college long and Filofaxes still seemed like the kind of expensive yuppie status symbol that I’d scoffed at… but then I got a job in a store that sold them, and I discovered that this pocket … Continue reading Pocket Filofax, Early 1990s

Modified Notebook, 1980s

This is a strange example of my notebook obsession. I took two spiral notebooks, removed the spirals, and then combined the pages into one thicker notebook with a taped spine. I probably coated the edges of the pages with rubber cement under the tape, and they are still held in quite well. The lines of … Continue reading Modified Notebook, 1980s