Woodie Guthrie’s New Year’s Resolutions
This is pretty neat, Woodie Guthrie’s handwritten resolutions, with funny little drawings too: Read more at Lists of Note: New Years Rulins.
This is pretty neat, Woodie Guthrie’s handwritten resolutions, with funny little drawings too: Read more at Lists of Note: New Years Rulins.
This week’s addict has written various blog posts thoroughly documenting how he keeps himself organized with a version of the GTD (Getting Things Done) system. And he’s filled a lot of notebooks doing it! I also loved this quote: Why do I insist on keeping a notebook? To quote Dwight Schrute, “I keep secrets from … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Tac Anderson
I bought a cool book a few weeks ago and was planning to blog about it… but then I discovered that there was more to the story– an exhibition at the Morgan Library! Here is a partial list of the kinds of lists included in “Lists: To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists’ Enumerations,†… Continue reading ‘Lists’ Exhibition at Morgan Library
I recently changed my “What I’m Using Now” photo after several months of its being out of date. I’ve gone through at least 2 or 3 daily notebooks since I last updated that image, a couple of Moleskines and a Piccadilly. I’ve been alternating between plain pages and squared– I keep coming back to squared … Continue reading What I’m Using Now
Here’s a few oldies-but-goodies from my collection, three Roaring Spring spiral notebooks that I bought in 1980 and used between then and 1982. I love the colors– the outside covers are slightly faded and scuffed compared to the inside front covers. The back covers are just plain cardboard. You can see below that I stapled … Continue reading Roaring Spring Spiral Notebooks, Early 1980s
I found this from a comment on the Art of Manliness post about notebooks. Memo talks about his system for using notebooks, but what intrigued me most was this photo: That is some seriously secure storage for notebooks! Love it! (especially since he made this out of an electrical box instead of buying a more … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Memo’s Secure System
Here’s an interesting topic on Ask MetaFilter: I have a graph-ruled Moleskine that is begging to be turned into a compendium of obscure, fascinating, and perhaps occasionally useful reference material. Some of the things I want to put in there are Rubik’s Cube algorithms, keys to reading non-Latin alphabets, some simple math formulas (Trachtenberg math, … Continue reading How to Turn Your Notebook Into a “Mental Swiss-Army Knife”
There was an interesting article a few weeks ago in the New York Times, about electronic tools for note-taking: Bringing Order to the Chaos of Notes: MODERN life is a mess of notes, a tangle of countless scraps of information that we accumulate during our waking hours. In the morning, you attend a meeting with … Continue reading Paper vs. Electronic
Introducing my first (rather amateurish!) notebook video– this is a look at the notebook I just finished using. I’ll try to post more notebook videos in the future, and if any readers want to submit links to their own YouTube videos of notebooks, I’ll share those too.
I noticed the other day that I seemed to be rampaging through my latest notebook at a faster than usual pace. Have I just had more to write about? More to draw? More things to do and ideas to jot? I’m not sure, but part of the reason is definitely that I copied several pages … Continue reading From Old to New…