This week’s addict is the blogger at the Well-Appointed Desk, who says: “I was pulling everything out of my bag this morning to get situated at work. One, two, three… four… five! I found five notebooks in my bag and realized that maybe I had too many notebooks going at one time…” Five notebooks sitting … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Well-Appointed Desk→
This week’s addict emailed me a wonderful essay on why she loves notebooks, and how writing in them inspires her creativity. Here’s some photos of some of her notebooks: “I guess you could say that I’m a notebook addict. My current favourite are Paperblanks which I mainly use as Writing Notebooks and Journals. I’ve always … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Carley→
Here’s an interesting look at one person’s notebooks and how she uses them: “I love notebooks and I love seeing other bloggers sharing how they use theirs. It is like getting to see how their minds work on paper! I have lots of notebooks and a few pricey Moleskine that are sitting in boxes unloved since I want to save them … Continue reading Organizing with Notebooks→
This week’s addict has some advice for you: Write It Down. Now.. We need to write things down. I’m not talking about a to-do list. There are plenty of apps (I user Clear) and this is not one of those articles. I’m talking about the things running through your brain right now: your week ahead, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Landon→
This is just a small part of an article in which Paul Zahl talks about the movie Super 8: Recently I came across ten little notebooks, notebooks for a person’s breast pocket, which I used for my to-do lists during the Winter and Spring of 1972-1973. I was a recent college graduate and quite confused, … Continue reading Old Roaring Spring Notebooks→
This week’s addict counted all the various notebooks she is using currently for various notes and lists– she counted ten, eight of which are in the photo below. I’d love to know how many more she has that aren’t in current use because they are filled up, or waiting to be. Quite an … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Unmana→
Susannah’s blog post has lots of great photos of the 8 Moleskines she is currently using, each for a different purpose, including an art journal, prayer journal and “everything I want to remember for eventually” notebook. See many more photos, including some closeups of her beautiful handwriting, at (life is too short not to) wear … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Susannah→
Suw Charman-Anderson has an interesting article at about the best ways to use a notebook for creative endeavors. She refers to another series of blog posts called The Entrepreneur’s Notebook, which brings up a controversial approach: I’ve always used my notebooks for everything, whether that was notes from a meeting I was in, to … Continue reading Keeping Your Creative Ideas in a Separate Notebook?→
This week’s addict blogs at The Well Appointed Desk, and emailed me this “confessional” about her love for notebooks: I think I go beyond a notebook story into a full-blown confessional. I am an equal-opportunity notebook luster. From the lowly marble-covered composition notebook to the gilt-edged beauties, I love them all and each will eventually … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ana→
From an interesting article about how Tim O’Shaughnessy, the CEO of Living Social, manages his day: I carry a little leather Moleskine notebook with me everywhere. It’s filled with lists, like numbers I want to discuss, agenda items for staff meetings, or the biggest threats to our business. If I have an idea, it goes … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Part of a CEO’s Day→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…