Tag Archives: lined

StartHere Linkable Notebooks

Here’s a neat concept: a sort of modular notebook system in which you can combine various paper types into one big notebook by slotting their covers together, made by StartHere. Here’s a description of the starter set you can order: We’ve put together our favorite items, chosen to give you a complete system that allows … Continue reading StartHere Linkable Notebooks

Workbook Duos by EcoJot

Here’s some attractive notebooks, printed on recycled paper with soy inks: Workbook Duos, by EcoJot. They look like they are packaged similarly to Moleskine cahiers, but this is another one of those frustratingly uninformative websites: what is the size of these notebooks? It doesn’t seem to say anywhere, and you have to dig into each … Continue reading Workbook Duos by EcoJot

Pocket Sized Doane Paper Notebooks

Cool! I was very intrigued by Doane Paper when I first saw it at The Pen Addict. Now they offer it in pocket notebooks! They measure 3.5 x 5.5″ and sound like they are very similar to Moleskine cahiers, but with the nice combo graph & lined Doane Paper. I wish the cover didn’t have … Continue reading Pocket Sized Doane Paper Notebooks

What Kind of Notebook Is Best for Creative Writing?

Cat Rambo’s thoughts On Writing Process, a guest post at Jeff Vandermeer’s Ecstatic Days. I write in large sketch pads, because I like the space to draw arrows and circles and make marginal notes. I used to write in Moleskin [sic] notebooks, but nowadays they just don’t seem large enough for novel-sized thinking. I save … Continue reading What Kind of Notebook Is Best for Creative Writing?