Tag Archives: limited edition

Moleskine Touch Notebook

I’ve been paying a fair amount of attention to Moleskine notebooks for many years, so I sometimes think I can’t possibly discover anything new and interesting to say about them. Yet once in a while I discover some limited edition or series that I had never noticed. The Moleskine Zoom collection was one, and I … Continue reading Moleskine Touch Notebook

Field Notes Mile Marker Edition

A year ago, I had just embarked on my epic cross-country road trip, so this season’s Field Notes special edition struck a chord and makes me want to hit the highway all over again! This edition even comes with a map of the US interstate highway system (free if you’re an annual subscriber, otherwise a … Continue reading Field Notes Mile Marker Edition

Moleskine Zoom Notebooks

Several years ago, while browsing on eBay, I came across a series of very unusual Moleskine notebooks that I’d never seen: Moleskine Zoom. I purchased two batches of these over the last few years, both times from international sellers where shipping was fairly expensive. (I “solved” that problem by making offers for combined bulk purchases, … Continue reading Moleskine Zoom Notebooks

Starbucks Planners

A while back, I got this tip from a reader named Dom: I’m not sure if Notebook Stories ever covered this before, but here in the Philippines (and other Asian countries I believe) Starbucks does a special promotion every Christmas season where they release a limited-edition Starbucks planner. It is so popular here that it has … Continue reading Starbucks Planners

Moleskine Monday: Leather Classic Notebooks at B&N

I was in my local Barnes & Noble the other day and noticed something I hadn’t seen before: medium sized Moleskine notebooks with real leather covers instead of the usual faux leather. Moleskine does occasionally have some limited editions that use real leather– there were some really cool planners years ago– but it’s rare. I … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Leather Classic Notebooks at B&N

Notebook Addict of the Week: The Unroyal Warrant

This week’s addict is the blogger at The Unroyal Warrant, who mostly reviews fountain pens but has some excellent notebook reviews too, including some rare brands I’d never heard of. Nevertheless, after an initial aversion to the not-all-that-rare Field Notes, he’s been sucked in by their limited edition subscriptions and had amassed this collection as … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: The Unroyal Warrant

Eggpicnic Notebooks

Cute notebooks from an Australian company called Eggpicnic: “Fusing design with conservation, Australian brand Eggpicnic looks to raise awareness of the continent’s endangered fauna through vibrant illustrations and characters. Their first ever stationary launch, ‘Endemic Series’ consists of a duo of limited-edition field notebooks featuring two of Australia’s most critically endangered animals. Helmeted Honeyeaters and … Continue reading Eggpicnic Notebooks