Tag Archives: ledger

Review & Giveaway: Field Notes Limited Editions

I’ve mentioned and reviewed Field Notes a few times on this site, but I’ve never been a big fan of their notebooks and all the hype around them. It was great to be able to try their notebooks thanks to readers who sent me some samples, but I’d never felt compelled to buy them… until … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Field Notes Limited Editions

Marbled-Edge Ledgers

I was walking past the Rubin Museum of Art in NYC’s Chelsea neighborhood, and spotted these beautiful notebooks in the window. I didn’t have a chance to go into the shop to find out more, but I assume they are selling them, not just exhibiting them. The museum is dedicated to art of the Himalayas, … Continue reading Marbled-Edge Ledgers

James Joyce’s Notebook

A page from one of James Joyce’s notebooks, which looks like some sort of ledger: From the post at Biblioklept: This page is from a notebook that contains some of Joyce’s preparatory notes for Ulysses—there are notes for characters “Stephen,” “Simon,” “Leopold,” etc. as well as lists “Books,” “Recipes” and general ideas “Theosophy”. This particular … Continue reading James Joyce’s Notebook