If you happen to be in New York in the next few days, you might want to check out the “Volez, Voguez, Voyagez” exhibition about the history of Louis Vuitton, especially since it’s free! Some of it is just advertising for the brand, but what makes it interesting is that it looks back at the … Continue reading Louis Vuitton Exhibition in NYC→
Grace Coddington is well known in the fashion world as an editor, former model, and author. Now she’s also a spokesperson for Smythson. Most of the linked article is promoting their various leather bags and accessories, but I loved getting a glimpse of this well-worn address book! I bought a Smythson address book a long … Continue reading Grace Coddington’s Smythson Notebooks→
National Stationery Week is 25 April – 1 May 2016 in the UK, and the Independent features 10 top notebook picks to celebrate. My two favorites below! Atlas & I Personalised Map Leather Journal:From £38, Not On The High Street “Simply provide a postcode and place name which means something to you, and Atlas & … Continue reading 10 Notebooks to Celebrate National Stationery Week→
If you are looking to upgrade your notebook collection with something really high end, here’s something to check out: “The Inhedited collection brings to the notebook market a limited selection of books claiming to be more than just that. Described as ‘a collectible object, a piece of craftsmanship, a travel and daily companion’, the new … Continue reading Limited Edition Luxury Notebooks by Inhedited→
From Bustle.com, a few of their top picks for “chic notebooks for style lovers”: “Is there anything as satisfying than starting off a new journal and writing your name in using your favorite pen? I think not — Especially in chic notebooks that fit every type of fashion gal. “ Source: 8 Chic Notebooks For … Continue reading Chic Notebooks→
Isabelle Moreau makes some gorgeous notebooks and albums with leather and cloth covers. Not cheap, but beautiful! “Notebooks, photo albums or even agendas, discover our unique craft of paper shop items, handmade and 100% made in France !” See more at Catalogue : pick and customize your own paper shop products – Isabelle Moreau
If you’re ever in the mood to splurge on something special, this might be a great way to do it: At $180.00, this is definitely a luxury item, but it’s gorgeous! Made by the Gilded Leaf Bindery in Tennessee, who specialize in hand bookbinding and book restoration. More details on eBay: Leather Pocket Diary Green … Continue reading 19th Century Style Leather Pocket Diary from Gilded Leaf Bindery→
I came across this photo on Pinterest recently, and couldn’t believe I’d never seen it before, as the original has been on Flickr since 2011. Amazing collection of Midori Traveler’s Notebooks! It’s one thing to amass a huge stash of notebooks that don’t have removable pages, but when you have this many notebooks that are … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ron Nakagame→
Here’s another interesting notebook that was born out of a Kickstarter campaign. I like the simple, rugged leather covers and the ability to replace the paper inside, though I’m not sure I’d like the way the pad inside is bound, as it doesn’t seem like it would open flat. See more at Designed with simplicity … Continue reading Bull & Stash Notebooks→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…