Tag Archives: Journal

Review: Rhodia Webnotebook

All the pen and paper blogs seem to have been buzzing for months about the Rhodia Webnotebook. Fountain pen users in particular were eager to have a Moleskine alternative containing their beloved Clairefontaine paper. When these first hit the market, you could only get a version with 80g paper. Now, finally, the long-awaited 90g paper … Continue reading Review: Rhodia Webnotebook

Moleskine Monday: Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel on Flickr

So often, I’ll see a really cool image pop up in the Moleskine Flickr pool, and it will turn out to be by Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel. See her photostream here. She fills each page of a daily Moleskine planner with the most wonderful sketches, and the result is an extraordinary visual journal.

The Euphoria of Buying a Journal: Andorra, by Peter Cameron

Last weekend, I read a wonderful novel called Andorra, by Peter Cameron. It’s elegantly and beautifully written, with some lush descriptions, including this scene, which takes place right at the beginning of the book, just after the narrator has arrived to start his new life in Andorra: I decided to visit the stationers. The front … Continue reading The Euphoria of Buying a Journal: Andorra, by Peter Cameron

Paper vs. Electronic

There was an interesting article a few weeks ago in the New York Times, about electronic tools for note-taking: Bringing Order to the Chaos of Notes: MODERN life is a mess of notes, a tangle of countless scraps of information that we accumulate during our waking hours. In the morning, you attend a meeting with … Continue reading Paper vs. Electronic


[UPDATED Jan. 2020: This store seems to have permanently closed. Sad!] Here’s an appealing website featuring stationery from France and beyond: Skripta-Paris. The site is in English and offers approximate US dollar conversions for their prices. (What you’ll actually pay is based on Euro prices converted at the prevailing rate by your credit card company.) … Continue reading Skripta-Paris

Notebook Addict of the Week: A Norwegian Artist

Here’s the latest Notebook Addict of the Week, found on Flickr: They are filled with drawings and collage in a very raw style, by Kier Cooke Sandvik of Norway, whose profile reads as follows: transsexual, atheistic anarchist. I’m Other. See all the Flickr images here, (though I’m not sure the original set is still on … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Norwegian Artist