Tag Archives: Journal

From Our Readers

Time for another look through the mailbag! From BMT: This might come under the “fell off the face of the Earth” dept. In the early sixties, possibly 1960 or 1961 a loose leaf company (Mead?) marketed a failed loose leaf product named “Nifty.” Instead of the conventional rings on the left side, it flipped up … Continue reading From Our Readers

Notebooks for Garden Design

This may not be prime time for thinking about gardening– at least it isn’t for me! Where I live, it’s getting cold and all the plants I grow in pots are pretty much dying out for the season. But if you’re more ambitious about your gardening than I am, this article points out that it’s … Continue reading Notebooks for Garden Design

Notebook Addict of the Week: Joseph Bayot

Joseph sent me a link to this post about his notebook addiction: On February 12, 2005, I ate a bowl of Special K Vanilla Almond with whole milk for breakfast. On January 16, 2006, my sister and my brother-in-law told me that they were going to have Audrey. On March 19, 2007, I took Brian … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Joseph Bayot

Review: Handmade Journal by Deafmessanger

“Deafmessanger” is Kucin, an artist living in Prague. He sells his notebooks, diaries, sketchbooks and postcards in lots of locations around Europe, as well as at Bluestockings and Spoonbill and Sugartown here in NYC. He contacted me a few months ago and offered me a sample journal to review– when I took a look at … Continue reading Review: Handmade Journal by Deafmessanger

Notebook Addict of the Week: Journaling Saves

This week’s addict chooses Blueline notebooks as her drug– what a great stack! I love the labeled spines. You MUST read the rest of the post at Blueline Notebooks: a Love Story — Journaling Saves— lots of great comments about her journaling habits and why she uses Blueline in particular.

Eddy’s Three Journals

I stumbled across this blog post by Eddy, who shows off some photos of his journals, and talks about how he uses them: Since I started using notebooks, I’ve kept all of my projects in one notebook, instead of using multiple notebooks for multiple projects. Usually I have had only a couple of things going … Continue reading Eddy’s Three Journals

Marilyn Monroe’s Diaries

The November issue of Vanity Fair has an article about Marilyn Monroe’s previously unseen diaries (excerpted from the book Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters). “Through the pages of Marilyn’s diaries, we see the whole arc of her tragic life: the transition from starlet to icon, her pursuit of true artistry beyond the “dumb blonde” she … Continue reading Marilyn Monroe’s Diaries

Notebook Addict of the Week: Lindseygail

This week’s addict is a librarian who was contemplating a book reorganization project and then decided to tackle her journals instead: Her take on the collection: I’ve been keeping a journal since I was 11 years old, and I’ve never really given much thought to what they’re for exactly. They take up quite a bit … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Lindseygail