Tag Archives: Journal

Notebooks that Lead Down Memory Lane

Here’s something that will ring a bell for many of you, as it did for me. It’s amazing how you can lose track of your tidying up when you get lost in the memories that old notebooks conjure up! So here it is another new year, and here I am once again, picking up and … Continue reading Notebooks that Lead Down Memory Lane

Review & Giveaway: Wild & Wolf’s Qwerty Journal and “I Am the Notebook of…”

I spotted Wild & Wolf’s Qwerty line of products in a local store and just loved the idea: notebooks and other products with old style typewriter motifs! I contacted the company and they were kind enough to send me not only a sample Qwerty journal, but another funky notebook as well. Let’s take a look: … Continue reading Review & Giveaway: Wild & Wolf’s Qwerty Journal and “I Am the Notebook of…”

Moleskine Monday: Hayes Carll and Optimism

Country singer Hayes Carll talks about how certain kinds of notebooks make you think you’ll fill them with great stuff… sounds like he’s a notebook addict!   Do you keep a journal now? I’m pretty bad about it. I have a certain embarrassment over my own writing. It’s odd, because it’s the thing that no … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Hayes Carll and Optimism

Notebook Addict of the Week: Millie

Millie sent me a link to this photo of her stash of unused notebooks. She points out that 2 didn’t make it into the photo… and I bet her collection of used notebooks would be pretty impressive too!   Full details on what all these notebooks are at Unused notebook collection. Thanks for sharing, Millie!

From the Mailbag

Catching up on my correspondence again! Allegra Newman writes to tell us about her book, 365 Things to Write About: “[The book] offers exactly 365 people, places, object, and ideas on blank, lined pages where people can write their responses. My writing partner and I created it as a different way to jumpstart our brains … Continue reading From the Mailbag

A Public Notebook?

I recently came across an article in which the writer celebrates keeping a notebook. But there was one passage that really surprised me: Another thing that makes my notebook unique and interesting is the open access to its pages. While diaries are revered as the fiefdom of one man’s innermost thoughts and deep, dark secrets, … Continue reading A Public Notebook?

Moleskine Monday: Exciting Giveaway and Coupon Code from Jenni Bick!

Many readers will probably be familiar with Jenni Bick Bookbinding— they sell a nice variety of journals and albums that can be personalized. Now, they have a new venture called MoleskineAndMore.com, a site offering customized stamping of Moleskine notebooks! Moleskine does quite a few customized editions, but they’re usually with large companies or institutions like … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Exciting Giveaway and Coupon Code from Jenni Bick!

Spalding Gray’s Journal

An interesting article in the New York Times about the writer and performance artist Spalding Gray, whose widow read his journals after his death. Gray, possibly the most celebrated neurotic of our time, kept private journals throughout his long career. Kathleen Russo, who is Gray’s widow and the mother of his children, read the journals … Continue reading Spalding Gray’s Journal