The Endeavor Notebook is an intriguing project on Kickstarter. I love the look of the simple leather cover, and the refills are very handsome on their own. The paper is said to be fountain pen friendly. The attachment system might not be the most quick and easy, but it seems like it would be sturdy, … Continue reading Endeavor Notebook on Kickstarter →
Furrow Books was a Kickstarter project over a year ago, started by Aaron Zeller of the Zeller Writing Company. (They sell many popular brands of pens and notebooks, as well as other writing accessories, including their own handmade wooden items such as wax seal handles.) I decided to become a supporter at a modest level … Continue reading Review: Furrow Books Notebook →
This week’s addict is another Filofax fanatic. LJ recently moved and unpacked not only a TON of Filofax binders and inserts, but some official Filofax cabinetry that they’re stored in! Wow. Just… wow. See lots more at LJ’s Blog of Stuff: Move Complete.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…