I recently received a selection of goodies from Origin One, a company based in India. Founded in 2015, Origin One describes themselves as “a collection of everyday stationery, handmade rugs, and elevated basics made for the design loving global nomad.” Their website very attractively presents a wide variety of notebooks, planners, stickers, stamps and other … Continue reading Origin One Notebook Review→
I saw an article a couple of months ago about some notebook brands I wasn’t familiar with, all brands of stationery from India. I haven’t come across many Indian notebooks up til now. Rubberband sent me some samples quite a few years ago, but I couldn’t have named any other Indian notebook brands off the … Continue reading Stationery From India→
A very poignant article from the Sept. 1, 2019 New York Times: Waiting for the Monsoon, Discovering a Brain Tumor Instead. The photo of reporter Rod Nordland’s journal was what caught my eye, but the whole story is well worth reading. A few brief excerpts below, focusing, of course, on the journal, though there is … Continue reading A Journalist’s Monsoon Journal→
Here’s something to add to my wish list! A $200 limited edition set of facsimile sketchbooks by Françoise Gilot. I highly recommend her book Life with Picasso — it’s a fascinating look not just at Picasso and his work but at Gilot’s own life and thoughts about art. Françoise Gilot, now 96, is best known for … Continue reading Françoise Gilot’s Travel Sketches→
A enterprising street vendor makes and sells notebooks in Delhi, India: Anand Kumar collects discarded paper from Sadar Bazaar and then cuts and sticks it into tidy 50-page pads — all this at his home in Seelampur with assistance from his wife. Source: Delhiwale: The vendor of notebooks | delhi news | Hindustan Times
“Urusha Maher is a final year architecture student in Chennai and says that people automatically assume you’re creative when you tell them your choice of degree. Perhaps, that is why one of her friends handed her a pair of worn out jeans last year and asked Urusha to make something out of it. The result … Continue reading Notebooks Made from Old Jeans→
Letternote is a stationery company based in India. They have some very fun and colorful notebook designs, as well as more understated classic designs. Here’s a few that struck my fancy:
I forget how I came across the intriguing web page where this week’s addict posted photos of some of his notebooks. It’s all part of a campaign to expose the alleged misdeeds of a guru at an ashram in India, which is interesting, but of course it was the variety of nice old notebooks that … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Robert Priddy→
The folks at Kapdaa contacted me from India to offer a sample of a very cool concept: notebooks covered in leftover fabrics from clothing. An offcut is the material that remains after the clothing pattern has been cut out. Often it just goes to waste, but Kapdaa uses these remnants to make attractive cloth-bound journals … Continue reading Review: Kapdaa Offcuts Notebook→
Here’s a selection of notebooks chosen for colorful, fun graphics: 10 Office Notebooks That Will Make You Go Kitsch-Kitsch. A few highlights below, including some of the Rubberband notebooks I reviewed here.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…