Tag Archives: gadgeteer

Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Julie the Gadgeteer

This week’s addict, the founder of the excellent site The Gadgeteer, has been featured once before. She’s addicted to gadgets, but as this photo shows, she’s still addicted to notebooks too! (Even though the post it’s from is about going back to keeping a digital to-do list.) I have been using a very simple Bullet … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (Again): Julie the Gadgeteer

Notebook Addict of the Week: Julie the Gadgeteer

I went through a phase in the late 1990s when my notebook obsession was relatively dormant, because my lust for handheld data receptacles of a certain size and shape had displaced itself onto the Palm Pilot and its various descendents. PDAs were my addiction then: I bought (and resold) about 15 different models over about … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Julie the Gadgeteer