A year ago, I had just embarked on my epic cross-country road trip, so this season’s Field Notes special edition struck a chord and makes me want to hit the highway all over again! This edition even comes with a map of the US interstate highway system (free if you’re an annual subscriber, otherwise a … Continue reading Field Notes Mile Marker Edition→
This week’s addict is Mary, the blogger at From the Pen Cup. Her website features lots of pen and notebook goodness, including these photos: I started my third Field Notes Storage box this week. That’s a picture of a portion of the first two boxes, crammed with as many completed pocket notebooks as I could … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: From the Pen Cup→
Nomad Notebooks Background I picked these Nomad Notebooks up from a Kickstarter campaign in 2017. ( I wrote about it in this post.) They raised over $26,000 in a successful campaign, and are still selling notebooks, notebook covers and other products on their website. Their notebooks are were also available on Amazon. (Sometime after I started … Continue reading Nomad Notebooks Review→
September 12, 2008: 25 people died in a train collision in Los Angeles. Top Wall Street bankers and US government officials met in a panic to try to save Lehman Brothers, as the country began to tumble into the biggest financial crisis since the depression. David Foster Wallace committed suicide. But on the brighter side of things, … Continue reading Ten Years of Notebook Stories!→
I bought this adorable little notebook from JetPens. Although “etranger” is a French word, “di” is an Italian word, and Costa Rica is in Latin America, the company is Japanese. I guess it’s just that enjoyment of slightly absurd foreign phrases that you sometimes see on Japanese products, as there is also French text on … Continue reading Review: Etranger di Costa Rica Notebook→
They go so well together, don’t they? The notebook below belongs to Mary Richmond, who really brings her nature walk to life in the linked article. Â The sun was still low enough in the sky that it cast a golden glow over and through the trees. The air was fresh scented, the leaves still a … Continue reading Nature and Notebook→
I came across a very interesting blog called Northing and Easting, which is described as “A blog about mapping, surveying, geospatial technology and the history of the topographic sciences.” Of particular interest was a post about the use of field notebooks: In the olden days (like, up until the 1980s) field notebooks were a staple … Continue reading On Using Field Notebooks→
This week’s addict was found on Flickr, by way of Pinterest. That is quite a collection of Field Notes! In the commentary, she says she aims to use 15 Field Notes notebooks per year, so this should be at least a 5 year supply!
I am a book lover, so these Manuscript Notebooks totally caught my eye. They’ve taken beautiful retro book cover art and used it for the covers of these softcover notebooks: The notebooks are a single signature of pages, with stitched spine. The 3.5 x 5.5″ sizing is comparable to Field Notes, Moleskine Cahier and other … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Manuscript Notebooks→
This sounds like an interesting exhibit, at the Concord Museum in Massachusetts: This Ever New Self: Thoreau and His Journal. “The show centers on the journal Thoreau kept throughout his life and its importance in understanding the essential Thoreau. More than twenty of Thoreau’s journal notebooks are shown along with letters and manuscripts, books from … Continue reading Exhibition Featuring Henry David Thoreau’s Journals→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…