In all the years I’ve been blogging, I don’t think I’ve ever reviewed a Fabriano notebook. This seems like a strange omission, as I am pretty sure I’ve bought Fabriano notebooks before, but as far as I can tell, the only one currently in my possession is this Ecoqua Plus softcover notebook, purchased quite recently. … Continue reading Notebook Review: Fabriano Ecoqua Plus Softcover →
I was very excited when I saw this new brand in my local stationery store (NYC’s A. I. Friedman). I was immediately smitten with the design and intrigued that the notebooks were made in Greece– a new country to add to my collection. After getting in touch with the company, I was happy to receive … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Flexbook Notebooks →
Some of the notebooks I’ve spotted on recent shopping trips, first these “Carnets de Poche” at a gift shop in Bethesda, MD. They’re a bit large to really fit in your poche, perhaps, but rather cute nonetheless, with a nice mix of papers inside: I was quite intrigued by these Mead planners I saw … Continue reading Notebook Sightings →
This week’s addict contacted me by email to share this photo: I love this collection– the almost architectural way they’re stacked and shelved, the consistency of notebook types and date/subject labeling. And many of them have a nice worn in look– not totally beat up, but that slightly dingy and soft look that comes from … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: D Murphy →
Leigh Reyes takes a look at a Fabriano artist’s journal with pages in 4 different neutral tones: Her verdict? It’s great for watercolor, including the beautiful work below: Read more at Fabriano Quadrato Artist’s Journal. | Leigh Reyes. My Life As a Verb..
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…