Tag Archives: Diary

New York Diaries

I’d heard about this book called New York Diaries: 1609 to 2009 and thought it sounded fabulous: for each day of the year, it gives an excerpt from the diary of a notable New York resident or visitor, including people such as Albert Camus, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Theodore Roosevelt, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Mark Twain, … Continue reading New York Diaries

Notebook Addict of the Week: Julian Kay

This week’s addict writes about his notebooks on his blog as part of a series of posts “about how much I appreciate the possessions I have, and the choices I made when bringing them into my life.” Below are just a few of the notebooks shown in his post– I particularly liked the black cahier … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Julian Kay

Notebook Addict of the Week: Millie

Millie sent me a link to this photo of her stash of unused notebooks. She points out that 2 didn’t make it into the photo… and I bet her collection of used notebooks would be pretty impressive too!   Full details on what all these notebooks are at Unused notebook collection. Thanks for sharing, Millie!

From the Mailbag

Catching up on my correspondence again! Allegra Newman writes to tell us about her book, 365 Things to Write About: “[The book] offers exactly 365 people, places, object, and ideas on blank, lined pages where people can write their responses. My writing partner and I created it as a different way to jumpstart our brains … Continue reading From the Mailbag

Review: 2012 Typotheque Pocket Calendar

Quite a while back, I posted a link to a snazzy looking diary by Typotheque. Little did I know that almost two years later, I’d be sent a sample to review!  Seeing this year’s version in person did not disappoint. Here it is: I love the nice clean design, with all its sharp lines and … Continue reading Review: 2012 Typotheque Pocket Calendar