Tag Archives: design

Review and Giveaway: Pocket Dept Notebooks

Pocket Dept is a relatively new brand of notebooks. Here’s the description from their website: Pocket Dept is a line of handy notebooks inspired by vintage stationary and designed to suit every pocket. Each Pocket Dept book is made from the finest writing papers and perfect bound for strength and durability. Designed and manufactured with … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Pocket Dept Notebooks

Susan Kare’s Sketchbook: The Birth of an Icon

Very cool! The original sketchbook of the woman who designed the graphical interface icons for the first Mac computers:   Kare stayed on at Apple to craft the navigational elements for Mac’s GUI. Because an application for designing icons on screen hadn’t been coded yet, she went to the University Art supply store in Palo … Continue reading Susan Kare’s Sketchbook: The Birth of an Icon

Drew Bryant Talks About Keeping a Sketchbook

I came across an interesting interview with Drew Bryant, who works as a designer for a branding/exhibit design firm, but also loves to draw in his spare time. Here’s a few outtakes: What sparked your passion for drawing? Since I was a young child I have loved to draw. It really has came and went … Continue reading Drew Bryant Talks About Keeping a Sketchbook

Michael Bierut’s “30 Years 90 Notebooks” Exhibition

Remember Michael Bierut’s 86 notebooks? Well, he’s up to 90 now. And they’re in an exhibition with a really cool poster!   Read more: Michael Bierut‘s ‘30 Years 90 Notebooks’ at College of Saint Rose | New at Pentagram | Pentagram.

Fashionary: A Notebook for Fashion Designers

Fashionary is an interesting twist on the formatted-page notebook. It looks a lot like your typical Moleskine-ish notebook on the outside, but inside, the pages are set up with templates and reference material for fashion designers. From the product description: Dictionary + Sketchbook The name “FASHIONARY” comes from “Fashion + Dictionary + Diary”. The sketchbook … Continue reading Fashionary: A Notebook for Fashion Designers

Notebook Addict of the Week: Sami

This week’s addict is Sami, who blogs at Poor & Pretty. Here’s some of her journals: She says: When I was little, my Dad encouraged me to keep a diary so that I can record my thoughts during tough times. Though I have always been a vocal girl {my aunt loves to tell stories about … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Sami