Tag Archives: daily

Moleskine Monday: A Drawing a Day

A fine ambition– I have told myself I’d do this too, but haven’t been as successful in actually DOING it as this blogger: I will begin drawing and submitting one sketch a day from my new Moleskine sketchbook. I will post no matter how awful, haphazard, or incomplete the sketch is. The point is to … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: A Drawing a Day

A New Look for Moleskine Diaries in 2011?

I stumbled across this cover image for a Moleskine 2011 Daily Planner on Amazon. Looks like they’re changing the design of their paper bands! From this image it looks like it might not wrap around the whole book any more, but instead just cover the corner and spine. It’s a bit early to be thinking … Continue reading A New Look for Moleskine Diaries in 2011?

Moleskine Monday: Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel on Flickr

So often, I’ll see a really cool image pop up in the Moleskine Flickr pool, and it will turn out to be by Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel. See her photostream here. She fills each page of a daily Moleskine planner with the most wonderful sketches, and the result is an extraordinary visual journal.