Here’s another book I’ve been thinking about adding to my collection: Photographers’ Sketchbooks. Since it’s photography, not all of the “sketchbooks” are traditional paper ones, though a couple are shown below. From the review linked below: “This book is comprised of over 500 illustrated pages featuring the tangible objects that help these photographers realize their … Continue reading Photographers’ Sketchbooks→
Notebook lovers and Lynda Barry fans (I am both) will just die of happiness when they see this book! Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor Not only is every page chock full of Lynda Barry’s unique art and the creativity exercises she developed for the classes she’s taught, plus examples of student work… the amazing … Continue reading Coolest Book Ever: SYLLABUS by Lynda Barry→
This week’s addict emailed me a wonderful essay on why she loves notebooks, and how writing in them inspires her creativity. Here’s some photos of some of her notebooks: “I guess you could say that I’m a notebook addict. My current favourite are Paperblanks which I mainly use as Writing Notebooks and Journals. I’ve always … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Carley→
This week’s addict blogs about creativity, and declares that she is “addicted to pretty notebooks.” “So I was extremely excited to learn that I am not the only gal who has an overwhelming addiction to fancy diaries, journals, and notebooks. They can be plain, they can have beautiful covers, there can be lined, plain, and … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Bee→
A nice little piece in the “T” New York Times Style magazine, about a photographer named Dean Kaufman, who has taken photos of his son sketching at various museums. What a great way to get a kid interested in art!
Suw Charman-Anderson has an interesting article at about the best ways to use a notebook for creative endeavors. She refers to another series of blog posts called The Entrepreneur’s Notebook, which brings up a controversial approach: I’ve always used my notebooks for everything, whether that was notes from a meeting I was in, to … Continue reading Keeping Your Creative Ideas in a Separate Notebook?→
Brain Pickings offers a nice look inside a new book from Moleskine: The Detour Book, which I’m sure I’ll soon add to my ever-growing collection of books about notebooks and sketchbooks! Read more at Moleskine Detour: Inside the Notebooks of Beloved Creative Icons | Brain Pickings.
This week’s addict is a bit different, as I picked her because of the way she is addicted to other people’s notebooks, not just her own. Amy Ludwig Vanderwater blogs at Sharing Our Notebooks, which “highlights pages from a variety of notebooks: paper, digital, napkin, any kind [so readers can] learn how students, authors, artists, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Amy Ludwig Vanderwater→
I love these scanned notebook pages containing the creativity manifesto of Frederick Terral. (Hard to say what brand of notebook it is, but I’m guessing it could be a Piccadilly): Good advice! Read more about other inspiring messages and manifestos for creative people at Five Manifestos for the Creative Life | Brain Pickings.
We live in a digital age, yet sales of good old fashioned paper are way up. Why? An article in the Guardian provides quite a good answer: We all love stationery (some more moderately and tastefully than others). But why? It seems to me to offer two great and seductive promises. The first is that … Continue reading Why We Love Stationery→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…