Such an interesting article from Atlas Obscura. I’d never heard the term “zibaldone” before! ONE DAY IN VENICE, SOMETIME near the end of the 14th century, a busy merchant found himself with a few spare moments. Maybe it was a slow day at the docks, or he arrived home too early for dinner. Whatever the reason, he … Continue reading What’s a Zibaldone?→
Something new and different! Spotted at Kinokuniya bookstore in NYC: I haven’t seen these for sale anywhere else, but they’re made by a UK company: Waverley Books. Two sizes are available. Here’s the full product description from their site: The Waverley Scotland Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebooks Anderson has 176 pages (left side blank, right side … Continue reading Waverley Scottish Plaid Notebooks→
I love the way Valerie Sjodin is using her squared Moleskine to create beautifully decorated journal pages. So much color and texture. And it’s part of a great project– a journal with a page devoted to each letter of the alphabet as a prompt for exploring different aspects of the journaler’s life and personality. … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Valerie’s Journal Pages→
From a lovely essay about using notebooks, by Elaine Fletcher Chapman: Most writers I know work from notebooks. I carry mine with me, as Jason Shinder was known to advise, along with a folder of poems I am currently revising. Even on my shorter commutes, I carry the pair. They remind me of my heart’s … Continue reading “They remind me of my heart’s desire…”→
This week’s addict is Heather at A Penchant for Paper. I really enjoyed her post about her system of using multiple notebooks, including the ones below: “I have multiple notebooks, multiple pens and pencils, and multiple pen cases, all of them equally stuffed full, and I still find myself acquiring more, although not quite as … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: A Penchant for Paper→
I love the look of this notebook– it’s well-loved, broken in, and each page is so thickly covered with that tiny handwriting in the colorful inks. Just gorgeous. See more at Flickr.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…