Another beautiful Moleskine notebook gallery on the Behance site, this one by Anna Rusakova. I love the collage/scrapbook elements and the detailed art. See more at my moleskine on the Behance Network.
David Fullarton is one of my favorite notebook artists. He usually works in engineer’s notebooks, but now he’s given Moleskine a whirl: I was never a big fan of Moleskine notebooks. They always seemed so damn precious and overpriced with their pretentious history printed inside and that fancy-dan knicker elastic to keep your place. But someone … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: David Fullarton→
Welcome to “Reader Week” at Notebook Stories. I get lots of emails with questions and tips about notebooks, but unfortunately, I don’t tend to get around to posting them very quickly! So this week, I’m trying to catch up– all my posts this week are from readers’ submissions. I love getting tips and questions and … Continue reading Reader Week Moleskine Monday: Gaby’s Decorated Covers→
Jesse Draxler’s website has lots of fabulous photos of collage art in notebooks (Moleskine sketchbooks, I think). Absolutely gorgeous: I found Jesse via a blog called The Jealous Curator, who says “These simple/fantastic collages are a few of my favourite pages. I think it’s the effortlessness that gets me the most. Yep, there’s that soul-crushing … Continue reading Jesse Draxler’s Sketchbooks→
This website is a notebook-lover’s dream. Check out all the beautiful images at Carnets | The Swedish Parrot. You can also see more at his Flickr stream. Here’s just a taste:
I love the idea of keeping a journal of just images. I sometimes paste clippings and images into my notebooks, but I don’t do it as often as I should. The link where I found the quote below has inspired me to give it another shot: …when you glue a picture, or a swatch of … Continue reading Keeping an Image Journal→
Here’s a cool batch of artistically decorated notebooks: And here’s what Laura Jane has to say about them: My notebooks are my babies, my progeny, an extension of myself. They are my phantom arm. If I ever lost a notebook, it would destroy me, but I would never lose a notebook, because I always check. … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Laura Jane→
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…