Tag Archives: collage

Dan Eldon’s Journals

The beautiful notebooks above only hint at the amazing work inside them… but they also come with a sad story. Dan Eldon was a young photojournalist who was killed by an angry mob in Somalia in 1993, along with 3 of his colleagues. “Dan left behind seventeen bound leather journals filled with drawings, writings and … Continue reading Dan Eldon’s Journals

Notebook Addict of the Week: Allie (again)

This week’s addict is back for a second time in the spotlight. The last time I featured her collection, she was only 14 and might have had the highest notebook count to age ratio of anyone I’ve featured. I think this may still be true! In her own words: I’m Allie, now 15 years old, … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Allie (again)

Moleskine Monday: Giving a Sketchbook a Try

Roz tests a Moleskine sketchbook with some unhappy results… but beautiful art! “Gouache test on Moleskine sketchbook spread. You can see that even with a controlled amount of water the pages will buckle. On the bright side you can do some fun and drippy things on the page, and you can use the “repelling” qualities … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Giving a Sketchbook a Try

Notebook Addict of the Week (again): Kara

She’s baaaack! Kara was our notebook addict of the week back in April, and she’s sent me some follow-up photos of her collection in its current state:   Kara says “This past week I had a day off and decided to group all of my journals from every corner of the house to see what … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week (again): Kara

How to Start Journaling

Rookie has a great post about ways to get started with keeping a journal, including visual journaling, writing down overheard conversations, logging daily activities, and more. The author shares some nice photos of her own journals, including these: Read more at Rookie » Where Your Book Begins.

A Traveling Sketchbook

An amazingly chock-full sketchbook, the collective work of 4 artists. Just beautiful!   The backstory: “In 2004, NY artist Oliver Jeffers, would exchange a sketchbook with 3 other artists and follow one another’s lead with a weekly illustration. Over the course of 36 weeks, each would respond to the previous artwork which proceeded them and … Continue reading A Traveling Sketchbook

Notebook Addict of the Week: Ana

This week’s addict emailed me from the Philippines to share her notebook addiction:   i have a few collection and only 5 of this are currently in use… i am mostly using my notebooks as scrapbook/travel journal or art/junk journal of anything that i want to keep… attached is a photo of my notebooks, (i … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Ana

Visual Journaling at Look Between the Lines

Look Between the Lines is a fabulous blog with entries showing page spreads from the author’s visual journal, along with commentary about how they were conceived and executed. As a bonus, each entry includes a “challenge” to readers– an exercise to help kick off your own visual journaling! Here’s one image I particularly liked:  

An Unusual 1980s Spiral Notebook

This notebook is one of the gems of my collection because I’ve never seen anything else quite like it. I must have bought this in the early 80s, at one of the various five-and-ten stores in my area. It’s just a generic mass-produced notebook. But this cover just fascinates me! There is something so weird … Continue reading An Unusual 1980s Spiral Notebook