Tag Archives: celebrity

Kevyn Aucoin’s Journals

A fun look inside the world of Kevin Aucoin, the celebrity makeup artist who sadly died way too young. He seems to have used a variety of diaries in a similar format but with different page layouts. I’m not sure what brand any of them were. Kevyn Aucoin was a makeup artist decades ahead of his … Continue reading Kevyn Aucoin’s Journals

Moleskine Monday: Fabulous Female Fans

Moleskine’s latest celebrity devotees: Charlotte Rampling: “She writes regularly in Moleskine notebooks, jotting notes and reflections.” via Forever femme fatale. and Heidi Klum: “As anyone who knows me well will tell you, I love making lists. I think they are the best way to keep my life organized and I am never without a Moleskine … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Fabulous Female Fans

Ne-Yo’s Notebooks

Maybe someday I’ll be able to interview some celebrities about how they use a notebook! I caught this mention of notebooks in an article about the singer Ne-Yo: How do you relax? Writing, not necessarily writing a song, just writing in general. I have little notebooks that I carry around with me; some of them … Continue reading Ne-Yo’s Notebooks

Rachael Ray Wants Notebooks for Christmas

Here’s an amusing news item: celebrity TV chef Rachael Ray is having throat surgery, and since she won’t be able to speak for a couple of weeks while she’s recovering, here’s her plan: “I’m going to get lots of notebooks,” she explained.  “I’m going to get the callous I had in grade school back from … Continue reading Rachael Ray Wants Notebooks for Christmas