Tag Archives: cahier

Moleskine Monday: 3-Piece Diary/Planner Review

Moleskine has been introducing so many new products lately, they’re hard to keep up with. But here’s one I had to try:   This 3-piece set includes a 2-pocket envelope, a 2012 week-to-page planner, and an undated day-per-page notebook. First of all, I love the colors. The neutral brown and grey shades are very attractive … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: 3-Piece Diary/Planner Review

Notebook Addict of the Week: Goodsnake

A nice collection of Moleskines, posted on Flickr: I see sketchbooks, ruled and squared, large and small, top-opening and side-opening, which got me thinking: do most Moleskine users tend to buy mostly one kind of Moleskine over and over again, or do they have a wide variety like this? My Moleskine collection is much more … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Goodsnake

Notebook Addict of the Week: David Garrett

This week’s addict blogs at Seize the Dave, where he shows off the nice row of Moleskine Cahiers (and an unidentified wire-o bound notebook) below.   Read more about his experience using fountain pens in these notebooks at seize the dave: paper review: moleskine cahier.

Notebook Addict of the Week: Julie the Gadgeteer

I went through a phase in the late 1990s when my notebook obsession was relatively dormant, because my lust for handheld data receptacles of a certain size and shape had displaced itself onto the Palm Pilot and its various descendents. PDAs were my addiction then: I bought (and resold) about 15 different models over about … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Julie the Gadgeteer

Calepino Notebooks

Here’s a new brand of notebooks that look fantastic! Notebooks : Calepino. Designed and manufactured in France, available in lined, squared and plain. 48 pages, 90g paper, 9 x 14cm. Sold in 3-packs that come in nice little case. Each 3-pack is 9 Euros, but outside the EU you can take 19.6% off since you … Continue reading Calepino Notebooks

Review and Giveaway: Pocket Dept Notebooks

Pocket Dept is a relatively new brand of notebooks. Here’s the description from their website: Pocket Dept is a line of handy notebooks inspired by vintage stationary and designed to suit every pocket. Each Pocket Dept book is made from the finest writing papers and perfect bound for strength and durability. Designed and manufactured with … Continue reading Review and Giveaway: Pocket Dept Notebooks

Moleskine Monday: Moleskine Words in N.Y. City

Did anyone else attend one of these events:  Moleskine Words in N.Y. City? I did! I went over to A. I. Friedman, which is one of my favorite places to browse notebooks, and they had a table set up in the front of the store, with a throng of people around it already. A friendly Moleskine … Continue reading Moleskine Monday: Moleskine Words in N.Y. City