Here’s another book I’ve been thinking about adding to my collection: Photographers’ Sketchbooks. Since it’s photography, not all of the “sketchbooks” are traditional paper ones, though a couple are shown below. From the review linked below: “This book is comprised of over 500 illustrated pages featuring the tangible objects that help these photographers realize their … Continue reading Photographers’ Sketchbooks→
Here’s something on my holiday wishlist: Peter Jenny’s Learning to See series. They’re lovely little pocket-sized books with exercises for those learning to draw, or re-learning, or looking for inspiration. The perfect companion to throw in your bag with a small sketchbook and pencil or pen, and list price is only $12 each.
Notebook lovers and Lynda Barry fans (I am both) will just die of happiness when they see this book! Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor Not only is every page chock full of Lynda Barry’s unique art and the creativity exercises she developed for the classes she’s taught, plus examples of student work… the amazing … Continue reading Coolest Book Ever: SYLLABUS by Lynda Barry→
I came across this book recently and fell in love with it for so many reasons. For one, the title is just brilliant. The art is brilliant. And then a few pages in, a bonus! The main character does a lot of drawings in notebooks. What’s not to love!?! The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil
This week’s addict is a writer who does much of his work in notebooks. He recently finished a novel consisting of “116,386 words, 472 pages (almost a ream of paper), and numerous books of hand written script.” “I always write the first draft by hand, I find it more intimate than typing directly onto … Continue reading Notebook Addict of the Week: Kevin→
This is so cool… an artist hand-wrote and painted this book in an attempt to document every color in the world: “In 1692 an artist known only as “A. Boogert†sat down to write a book in Dutch about mixing watercolors. Not only would he begin the book with a bit about the use … Continue reading A Notebook Full of Colors→
Austin Kleon is at it again with a new book called Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered. And in the spirit of showing his work, he’s got some pictures of a notebook he kept during his book tour: See more at Show Your Work! Tour Notebook.
More from my inbox: A tip from M: “I have issues with the binding cracking/splitting on my Moleskines. The solution – black duct tape. Check out the photo. Works great and doesn’t look too bad.” Peter shares some sketchbook pages and a tip on transfering art to notebook pages: “Just wanted to give you some … Continue reading Tips from Readers→
Here’s a pretty amazing imagination at work in the pages of a notebook: For more, check out the book: Guillermo del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions Via Scans From Guillermo Del Toro’s Notebook | The Mary Sue.
Notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, diaries: in search of the perfect page…