Tag Archives: best notebooks

Taotree Notebook Review

I do a lot of notebook browsing on Amazon, and therefore see a ton of sponsored product recommendations for notebooks. Most of them are not that interesting. But the Taotree Notebook started popping up a lot a few months ago and I was intrigued. So many of the generic notebooks you see on Amazon only … Continue reading Taotree Notebook Review

Bindewerk Linen Journal Quality Control

As I’ve mentioned several times on this site, the Bindewerk Linen Notebook (officially known as the Bindewerk Linen Flexible Cover Travel Notebook) is one of my most exciting finds for alternatives to Moleskine notebooks in the 9×14 cm hardcover format. I have bought 10 of these so far because I love them so much. I’ve … Continue reading Bindewerk Linen Journal Quality Control